A few from the garden (not always my garden)

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Bee IMG_5835 by davholla2002, on Flickr

A rare sight for me a mayfly
Mayfly IMG_5712 by davholla2002, on Flickr

Bumblebee IMG_5833 by davholla2002, on Flickr

Bumblebee IMG_5831 by davholla2002, on Flickr

Hoverfly IMG_5865 by davholla2002, on Flickr

Wolf spider
Wolf spider IMG_5826 by davholla2002, on Flickr

These next two are not so good but interesting this is the normal form of this moth
Moth IMG_5626 by davholla2002, on Flickr

This is an unusual variant (in my limited experience)
Moth IMG_5625 by davholla2002, on Flickr
Wolf spider shot is most interesting to me as shows its great camoflague.
I thought she was less well camouflaged when I photographed her - although maybe it is because I have spent so long looking for insects and spiders that I can see them easily.
Lovely finds and the wolfie and Mayfly are the best of the bunch but detail is not too great on all the shots, dont know if its your lighting or ISO also and some looks not quite in focus.
Lovely finds and the wolfie and Mayfly are the best of the bunch but detail is not too great on all the shots, dont know if its your lighting or ISO also and some looks not quite in focus.
I think at least one looks better in flickr (the first one which seems strange to me). The moths are definitely not that good, but quite strange - I see these quite a lot and I was surprised to see this variant. It can't be the ISO, I would say that the gatekeeper (which went to flickr) could have the head in better focus.
I think at least one looks better in flickr (the first one which seems strange to me). The moths are definitely not that good, but quite strange - I see these quite a lot and I was surprised to see this variant. It can't be the ISO, I would say that the gatekeeper (which went to flickr) could have the head in better focus.
I looked at some exifs and I saw you was at 400 iso but I dont know what Canon are like for noise with higher ISO.
Agreed about that Gatekeeper. I never really know what goes on up there in flickr land as sometimes I see really awful photos.
I looked at some exifs and I saw you was at 400 iso but I dont know what Canon are like for noise with higher ISO.
Agreed about that Gatekeeper. I never really know what goes on up there in flickr land as sometimes I see really awful photos.
Canon 550D is fine at 400. Don't get me wrong I am glad I took I just I had a slightly better angle - will probably do it again and get one fave.

I think people often have very different opinions about different photos, I like the Natural History Museum wildlife photographer but a lot of them are really not that sharp.
They also don't have many macro photos for some reason, someone like John Hallmen would (wrongly IMHO) never win it.
I think at least one looks better in flickr (the first one which seems strange to me). The moths are definitely not that good, but quite strange - I see these quite a lot and I was surprised to see this variant. It can't be the ISO, I would say that the gatekeeper (which went to flickr) could have the head in better focus.

i think that is a good set David, and nicely varied.

#1 to #6 all look better to me over at Flickr. The wolf spider stood out more at Flickr.

Do you use the 500D rather than the 7D so as to avoid changing lenses? (I seem to be moving towards a one lens per ILC camera because of all the issues I've had with dust on sensors.)
i think that is a good set David, and nicely varied.

#1 to #6 all look better to me over at Flickr. The wolf spider stood out more at Flickr.

Do you use the 500D rather than the 7D so as to avoid changing lenses? (I seem to be moving towards a one lens per ILC camera because of all the issues I've had with dust on sensors.)
The nice variation was just luck, I just photograph what I find day to day. I don't have the time to go nature reserves very much and my garden is not that big
I do try to avoid changing lens mainly because if you have lens x then something comes which wants lens y. I am thinking for this reason buying a Canon 40d (or cheaper and older) and using that for MPE65 and my 7DMKII for birds for that reason for when I go on holiday.