A few from the garden using Adaptalux lighting

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Tiny rose bud


Detail of small buds on shrub


Small Bodnant Viburnam buds.

Using the two Adaptalux lighting arms to give me constant light as well as the Godox TT350 off camera flash enabled me to reduce the ISO from 6400 down to 500 in the murky gloom of my wintery garden.
Sony A6500, Sony 90mm f2.8 Macro lens with 10mm+16mm extension tubes. All 160th, F14, ISO500.

The Adaptalux Studio gear was my Christmas present to myself :D
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I have been tempted by adaptalux myself.
What arms did you buy with it?
Well kudos to you for braving the weather and setting that up, but it turned out very well.
Thanks for the comments.
I've been struggling for some time to get adequate continuous light on my subjects, although our house isn't small there simply isn't room for me to have a dedicated studio setup so I've had to rely on table top lighting mainly consisting of LED panels which are a bit hit and miss.
As I'm starting to acquire more close-up addons such as the Raynox DCR-150 and 250 lenses the LED panels are just not good enough to light small subjects at those close focus distances so I looked for something else and found the Adaptalux Studio system.

I can use this lighting system both in the "studio" and in the field with no change in configuration as I've mounted the Pod on the Smallrig cage on my A6500.
In the field, as I've mentioned in my post, I now have sufficient lighting in very dark areas which makes close focus much easier and enables much lower ISO. I can also be more subtle in my flash settings.

I have been tempted by adaptalux myself.
What arms did you buy with it?
I had seen your earlier posts about Adaptalux so I knew that you had given it some thought. I was torn between the ordinary white lighting arms and the super-bright ones. As the ordinary ones were out of stock there really wasn't much choice so I went for the super-bright arms knowing that I would have some redundancy. For close macro I think it was the right choice, in turbo mode they really are very bright but this can be mitigated by the recommended diffusers which lower the light intensity, diffuse the harsh lighting and also spread the beam.

I had seen Stewart Woods video reviews on Youtube which helped my choice, he does mention that the magnetic ring which connects to the magnetised diffuser to the LED head has dropped off his lighting arm and the same thing has happened to me! I did find it though so I shall be speaking to Adaptalux about it, either it's a home repair or a return.
I may get a second white arm with a few coloured diffuser bulbs.

I don't think that I'll be going for their soon to be released flash arm system, I'm happy using my Godox TT350 mounted on the Smallrig cage in conjunction with the Godox transmitter when doing very close focussing or my Meike twin macro flash kit when just using the bare macro lens .

All in all I'm happy with my choice although it is an expensive one I know that dedicted studio lights are more expensive and I can't cart them around the garden!