A few from the Xmas period

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Spent a few long mornings out with the camera over the last couple of weekends / Xmas Bank Holidays. Here are a few of the shots I was lucky to capture.

1. Portrait of a Duck - The Mallard - as common as muck, but still a stunning bird :)

Portrait of a Duck
by davepsemmens, on Flickr

2. Heavy Landing - a young Swan making heavy work of landing. Its mum and dad made it look oh so easy :)

Heavy Landing
by davepsemmens, on Flickr

3. Worshipping the Sun - A Swan in the last of the early morning sun

Worshipping the Sun
by davepsemmens, on Flickr

4. Tufted Duck - The light and reflections on the pond made me wait until something swam through them - this Tufty was the first to turn up :)
Tufted Duck by davepsemmens, on Flickr

Thanks for looking :)

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#1 Is soft on the eye.

#2 Is a decent shot but would look better with the subject having more room on the left to go into.

#3 Is looking a bit Blue to my eye

#4 See #1
#1 Is soft on the eye.

#2 Is a decent shot but would look better with the subject having more room on the left to go into.

#3 Is looking a bit Blue to my eye

#4 See #1

Thanks Rich

Agree on all counts.

The blue tint is probably down to over zealous use of blue hue in LR
Not sure if I can crop number 2 more to the left as I seem to remember something is there - otherwise I would have given more room to move into. Will check the original though (when on my PC next)

Blur must be down to me as the lens has been calibrated - so it must be a slight miss focus.


Edit - updated both Swan images.

No blue hue had been used on the Worshipping the sun image - just made a couple of small tweaks.
The Swan landing fills almost the full frame of the shot - I had cropped ever so slightly so that has been removed and I have come in slightly from the right a bit as well. It's only move the Swan over to the right a bit but it won't go further :)
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