A few recent Dragons

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I've actually got my ar*e into gear over the last couple of weeks and headed out a few times specifically in search of Dragonflies. There seem to be plenty about this year at the usual local haunts (Preston, Lancs.) Here's a selection of the ones that hadn't disappeared well before I got the chance to capture them!

Dragonfly - Id unknown by Simon Lundbeck, on Flickr

Black Tailed Skimmer by Simon Lundbeck, on Flickr

Broad Bodied Chaser by Simon Lundbeck, on Flickr

Ovipositing Emperor by Simon Lundbeck, on Flickr

Male Emperor in flight by Simon Lundbeck, on Flickr

Four Spotted Chaser taking a breather by Simon Lundbeck, on Flickr
Great set Si.
Some very nice action shots in there as well.
cracking close up close ups, wondering on your technique behind the dfif shots?
Great set Si.
Some very nice action shots in there as well.
Thanks Chris, the action shots were a challenge, but I'm slowly starting to get some keepers!
Lovely set Si (y)
Cheers Gav :)
cracking close up close ups, wondering on your technique behind the dfif shots?
Thanks, they're all shot with the same gear - FF DSLR and 400mm lens at or near MFD for the close ups and further away for the in flight shots (which are both big crops). SS to suit dependent on whether they're static or moving. Other than that it's knowing where to look (based on lots of failed trips out from previous years and gradually learning) and then trying to capture them either doing something interesting or in a photogenic spot. The first one for example is shot through a small gap in a Gorse bush to avoid a really busy (and to me untidy) background
Great set Si, love the in-flight shots - i managed that once with anything that could be seen as 'success' so went back to at rest shots, not so demoralising :)
Great set Si, love the in-flight shots - i managed that once with anything that could be seen as 'success' so went back to at rest shots, not so demoralising :)
Thanks - I'm getting a bit better at it, trying to follow their patrolling patterns and only shooting selectively rather than just machine gunning it and coming home to hundreds of OOF shots to go through and bin! That said, there are very few keepers (if any) to be had from a session :)
interesting ,thanks for the explanation si, looking forward to giving it a go this week:cool:
Gotta start somewhere - If your user name is anything to go by then along the local canals may be a good starting point :)
Thanks - I'm getting a bit better at it, trying to follow their patrolling patterns and only shooting selectively rather than just machine gunning it and coming home to hundreds of OOF shots to go through and bin! That said, there are very few keepers (if any) to be had from a session :)
yep, fieldcraft, get to know your subject and its habits / patterns, you get so many more keepers that way :)
yep, fieldcraft, get to know your subject and its habits / patterns, you get so many more keepers that way :)
Indeed, it's taken me a while with the local Dragonflies as I tend to only get out a handful of times per season, but I'm getting there :)
not looked properly along canals but a 10 min drive I'm at rixton, numerous ponds to go at , thanks for the tip
Rixton looks a nice spot, not one I've been to. We've got a similar NR locally (clay pits turned NR) and it's current teeming with Dragonflies and Damselflies with the hot weather so should pay dividends (y)