A few unusual ones - warning for those with a sensistive stomach the last could be a problem

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Aphid (Stomaphis wojciechowskii or S. graffii) and ant ( Lasius brunneus) ids courtsey of Julian Hodgson
AphidandAntIMG_0533 by davholla2002, on Flickr

Palloptera muliebris on a mulberry tree, 1.8 Mag, 8.95 mm wing span, 3.8 mm body length, BR2

FlyIMG_0513 by davholla2002, on Flickr

Gammarus pulex at 1.8 Mag about 3.5mm long

ShrimpIMG_0618 by davholla2002, on Flickr

The next two are not that unusual Jumping spider in my house at 1.8 Mag, 2.9 mm long

JumpingSpiderIMG_0573 by davholla2002, on Flickr

Caterpillar 12mm 1x Mag, Bromley BR2, on newspaper

CaterpillarIMG_0559 by davholla2002, on Flickr

Trigger warning, if you soak blackberries you will probably get these

MaggotIMG_0603 by davholla2002, on Flickr

Maggot on a blackberry - there are lots of these in blackberries about 1.4 Mag, 5.3 mm long
I had blackberries with my yoghurt and granola for breakfast. Thanks mate!
Thats the last time I'll eat Blackberries straight from the bush

I have memories of seeing blackberries being left to soak in a bowl of water (to get rid of the grubs) in my grandma's kitchen ready to make a blackberry and apple pie.

Another tip, if they're growing near a public footpath or lay-by, never pick them from below waist height either. ;)
I had blackberries with my yoghurt and granola for breakfast. Thanks mate!
Thats the last time I'll eat Blackberries straight from the bush
I still do
I have memories of seeing blackberries being left to soak in a bowl of water (to get rid of the grubs) in my grandma's kitchen ready to make a blackberry and apple pie.

Another tip, if they're growing near a public footpath or lay-by, never pick them from below waist height either. ;)
I never have done that.
My mother used to make Blackberry & Apple pies every year when I was a wee lad, never soaked them AFAIK - maybe we just needed the added protein :)

I don't soak them but my wife does.
Useful tip if your colleague looks depressed - don't tell him about this, it doesn't cheer him up.
Extra protein!