A Natty Gnat

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Brilliant set of shots! I see this Gnat over me sometimes, but I've never had my camera to hand. Did you have a polariser on to get the canopy so transparent?

We have the Red Arrows at Southend Airport this week, not sure when they're leaving. So far all their flights have coincided very neatly with times when I'm unavailable, but there have been a few good shots on fb. Fingers crossed I can get something later in the week.
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Brilliant set of shots! I see this Gnat over me sometimes, but I've never had my camera to hand. Did you have a polariser on to get the canopy so transparent?

We have the Red Arrows at Southend Airport this week, not sure when they're leaving. So far all their flights have coincided very neatly with times when I'm unavailable, but there have been a few good shots on fb. Fingers crossed I can get something later in the week.
Thanks, no I don't use a polariser. The sun was up and to the right of me so lit up the cockpit!