A stunning sunset last Sunday - Mawddach estuary, south side.

Wowsy, yes that is very nice, good spot ;)
The connective beauty of the colour palette, composition and pano format make this a winner!
I finally got the chance to use my sunset filter. No not that one.... I mean the reverse ND grad which is denser near the horizon than towards the top. It seemed to work well, although after the sun disappeared it slowly appeared to be come too dense and I reverted to no filter at all.

Thanks for the comments! It's always good to know if one's photos are appreciated.
I finally got the chance to use my sunset filter. No not that one.... I mean the reverse ND grad which is denser near the horizon than towards the top. It seemed to work well, although after the sun disappeared it slowly appeared to be come too dense and I reverted to no filter at all.

Thanks for the comments! It's always good to know if one's photos are appreciated.
Is a reverse ND grad an actual thing - or just an ND grad turned upside down??!
Is a reverse ND grad an actual thing - or just an ND grad turned upside down??!

No, it really is a thing. At sunset the brightest section of the sky is just above the horizon and it fades to darkness the higher you go. The filter is designed to account for that. Apparently you can also deal with it is software but the filter seems to do the job.