A Thrip


Challenge Owner
Edit My Images
Hi all

Got home to find some of our Daff's were wind damaged so I picked them for indoors, little later I notice 2 specks moving about so grabbed the macros lenses .. first image is 1:1 for scale & second is 5x zoom on the Loawa lens, handheld again, I must remember to breathe while doing this :LOL:

ID was just a quick google. Edit done on my tablet with snap seed, I will take another look on C1 when I next fire up the laptop :)

Thank you for looking :)

Thrip?. by Gavin Wickham, on Flickr

Thrip? by Gavin Wickham, on Flickr
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Yeah that is a Thrip.
Not easy to shoot and I know what you mean about breathing:ROFLMAO:
The curse of some old smoke detectors ... being so small they get inside the detector and it confuses them with smoke particles. :)
Two very nice macro/close up style captures Gav.