Advice Needed - Replacement Amplifier for Aging HiFi rig...


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Ok - heres where I am. Basically, in the early 2000's I "mothballed" my HiFi separates setup because I basically moved back into the family home to take care of my aging parents. The kit was as follows

AR "The Turntable" - Circa 1986 - for those who don't know it, its sort of a "Sondek Lite" - same principles, sprung undamped subchassis and floating armboard - at the time I did an A-B comparison at home between it and the Rega 3 and it basically wiped the floor with the Rega.

Mission 737r Speakers - Another Mid/Late 1980's treasure - not quite up to the 770's but they were smaller, more compact, and more suitable to rooms smaller than 6m x 8m...

Aiwa AD-F 990 3-head Cassette deck - probably overkill for what I used it for, but I think i'd had a good christmas bonus back in 1985...

There's also a Teac 4 channel Reel-to-Reel that I can't remember the serial no. of, because it's still in storage at the moment, and a cd-recorder / player that again hasn't found its way out of the packaging yet...

and of course the thing I need advice upon - the amplifier.

Now, this one's completely "off the wall" - from the above list, I guess most people who were into HiFi in the 1980's would be thinking NAD, AR Cambridge, maybe even Naim - but I went very leftfield...

I've currently got a Technics SU-V55A - wtf is that and why did I buy it. You know, looking back, I'm asking the same thing. At the time I remember doing an AB comparison with the NAD 3020's "big brother" - can't remember the serials as it's best part of 40 years ago, bought in 1990, when my Marantz amp gave up the ghost - and the Technics was marginally cleaner and "faster" - read more controlled on the bass-end which helped with the Mission's.

Anyhow - I was happy with it right up until it went into storage. When I dragged it out a month or so ago, it was humming like crazy, and every single potentiometer was crackling. 3 input channels weren't working, and after 10 minutes it switched itself off. Opened the lid, had a look around - it needed a complete re-capping (only to be expected I guess) but I counted over 25 separate dry solder joints - at which point i thought "stuff that for a lark - i'll get a replacement amp"

I'm not looking for some all-singing all-dancing amp to be honest - it'd be nice if i had 2 tape input/outputs - to be able to play from the cassette and record to CD for example - I can always jack the reel-to-reel into an aux channel - as I don't envisage actually recording anything from the hi-fi sources to it - but may want to make more "portable" versions of the big box of old master tapes from various bands I was involved in BITD...

But I do ideally want a "proper" phono input, rather than a phono-preamp that goes into a line-in - just to reduce the clutter of boxes and wires a little.

and - i'm trying to do this on a budget (£150 or under ideally) - hopefully something from a "name brand" that I might possibly recognise - and if s/h then new enough that I'm not back to the soldering iron and wasting a day re-cap'ing and swearing at things. It'd also be nice if it looked at least somewhat similar to the old school standard width components - which would also help it fit in the housing unit.

I'll leave this one with you lot to hopefully come up with something - while I go back to re-commissioning the AR turntable - it seems to have developed a "knock" from the motor - which is pretty much unobtanium for the UK 50hz spec at least - so I've had the old one in bits, cleaned everything, and I'm currently running it back in whilst drip feeding it on extremely light machine oil - 36 hours of continuous running so far, and its knock is now barely audible - though i don't know if it'll be worse through the amplification chain, as, yep, I haven't got a working amp...
think I had one of those - was a bugger to kickstart... no wait, that was the XT500

ETA: just had a quick glance on fleabay and there's only a couple up at the moment - running around £200 for something you'd let into the house or £20 less for something that looks lite it was run over by a truck... Still - it certainly covers all the inputs/bases - tbh it looks very like the Technics i've just given up on apart from missing a tone bypass, but hopefully with better build quality. Problem is with the early 90's stuff is they were just going over to lead free solder in the factories, and everythings plagued with dry joints...
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I'd go into Richersounds as they have a good selection and unlike most shops they have a clue.

If you can get something by Cambridge audio you can't go far wrong.

These days a combined amp and streamer is probably a good idea. That way it's easy to use streaming services as well as older analogue sources too.