Affinity 50% off

I too had their email......

IIRC it was the same offer last year (or was it in 2022?) and I got all three programs for £99
I have yet to use designer but have used publisher a little.

However, as a bundle it made sense as it was effectively 3 for the price of 2 and bearing in mind the updates policy of only ever charging for major version changes and not based on period of time like Topaz
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I too had their email......

IIRC it was the same offer last year (or was it in 2022?) and I got all three programs for £99
I have yet to use designer but have used publisher a little.

However, as a bundle it made sense as it was effectively 3 for the price of 2 and bearing in mind the updates policy of only ever charging for major version changes and not based on period of time like Topaz

I have started using all three lately, work well together