Amazon - are they S**t

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So, I put in a couple of Amazon orders on 12th April;
1 received 2 days later - good.
2nd one, told receiving Saturday all day, stayed in - didn't arrive.
Sunday said arriving monday before 8PM, stayed in , didn't arrive, Email sorry running late.
If this is online shopping you can FOFF
What a total waste of F*ing life
Well, I cant think of a single company who has got everything right 100% of the time!

Amazon is reliable, I have had no issues with returns and even ordered the wrong product (£5) and they refunded and said not to return it.
When things go wrong they can be frustrating to deal with but will always fix it eventually.
My one issue with their own delivery service so far has been a parcel that would not fit through my letter box, jammed into my letter box and left for all to see. (despite my giving them a safe place)
I think Amazon do not treat their drivers well, it's hardly ever the same guy twice which makes them hard for me to train up.
Nothing wrong with Amazon, occasionally things may go wrong but they do with all companies. Prime member for last 5 years, very few issues that I can think of.
So far not had too many problems with them, most of the time deliveries have been good.
Also free deliveries and returns without question.
I am a very regular user of Amazon, and have been for some years - they've always been very good, I have found their customer service to be top rate. As others have said, Marketplace can be a bit iffy at times but I've had very few problems there either.
As others have mentioned, Marketplace sellers and products can be a bit hit and miss. I’ve had to return items for being not as described or just crap quality. Amazon have always dealt with the returns efficiently. I generally avoid Marketplace products now.
We stayed in Saturday and yesterday, because the tracking said "all day" before 8:00 PM. Email this morning - "Ooops, sorry running late" - no indication when it is going to arrive.
As others have mentioned, Marketplace sellers and products can be a bit hit and miss. I’ve had to return items for being not as described or just crap quality. Amazon have always dealt with the returns efficiently. I generally avoid Marketplace products now.

I am not an Amazon expert, so what foes "Marketplace" mean? I assumed everything is sent via a giant Amazon warehouse?
If it's running late - you may find it's been lost - which given the number of parcels they handle does happen from time to time. Get onto their online chat and say that you stayed in all day and again - and there's no sign of anything - and they'll tell you whether it's genuinely running late - or if they think they've lost it. If they have, you'll have to order another one, and they'll refund you the one you've already ordered. It happened twice in a year - but I'd had many, many parcels from them which were always on time. Looking back at the two re-ordered items - they still say 'running late' some months later.
As an ecommerce business owner I can tell you that regardless of how efficient we are in the warehouse, ensuring orders are all picked and packed and shipped on time, once it leaves us all bets are off.

Couriers F**k up. It's frustrating. You can use the best couriers in the world and they will still f**k up,
Even Royal Mail who delivery daily to pretty much every house in the country manage to delivery items 5 miles from their intended destination.
Sorry, can't agree, I find Amazon to be one of the best online shopping outlets out there.

I also think prime is excellent value for money when you look at all the things that come with it.
I am not an Amazon expert, so what foes "Marketplace" mean? I assumed everything is sent via a giant Amazon warehouse?

Not everything is sent from a giant Amazon warehouse. Marketplace is for 3rd party sellers. Some send their stock to Amazon to deal with logistics and some ship their own products.
We always check to see if the order is fulfilled by Amazon, or direct from the supplier. I think I'm right in saying that anything available for Prime, is via Amazon, marketplace stuff isn't.
Amazon are IME over the last fifteen years the best people to buy from. Their customer service is second to none.

The only time there has ever been a problem is when one of their suppliers (mainly in China) or couriers (always Hermes) screw up.

I always go to Amazon first and try not to buy from anyone else if I can help it.
We always check to see if the order is fulfilled by Amazon, or direct from the supplier. I think I'm right in saying that anything available for Prime, is via Amazon, marketplace stuff isn't.

Not always. If you meet certain shipping criteria then a marketplace seller can have their products marked as prime.
Just got back from our weekly shop to find the package by our front door.
They’re normally excellent in my experience but covid has totally thrown things into chaos. I’d guess they’re delivering 5 or 10 times as much stuff as they did pre-lockdown. Always worth checking the estimated delivery dates on the check out page though, as sometimes things coming from China sneak through even though they’re marked as Prime delivery. These can take weeks to get through.

I’ve got a couple of items on my account that are marked as “sorry, it’s running late” that we’re actually delivered weeks ago. Slightly tempted to ask where are they ?:)
Amazon are excellent, particularly if you stick to items sold as Amazon Prime and have Prime membership. The only screw ups I've had are by couriers and always Hermes. I wish Amazon would ditch Hermes but otherwise, 99.9% of the time Amazon Prime orders arrive perfectly on time. That's one of the reasons they grew so big.
Amazon deliveries using their own couriers usually work well. Most stuff arrives on time, with good tracking, though they do tend to leave stuff on the doorstep if you're out. A few things have turned up damaged (their packaging of heavy or fragile items isn't always great), but this is fairly easy to sort out. A while ago I got a few misdelivered packages that were meant for a similarly named address, but not lately. My main problem has been in returning stuff, when they insist on using Hermes if you want the package collected, who are terrible in my area. If you think you're going to be out when Amazon delivers, try their Locker service or a Local Collect location, which works for most items. They seem to have these all over the place now. I find that delivery to a Locker is often quicker than estimated.
My daughter and her partner use the locker system as they both work odd shift patterns and get called in at short notice. Never had an issue with it. The plus side is that the one they use is located where her partner works.
Our local hospital has one (locker) and is looking to expand it.
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Hermes - that is Amazon's only downfall IMO. They are truly useless and do not deserve to be in business. :banghead:
wow bit of anger there :)

oddly enough for me as a non prime user all my stuff arrives way before expected times.
Another happy Amazon customer here.
If I am going to be out I have my goodies delivered to either an Amazon locker or a local shop.
Customer services have been excellent and Prime more than pays for itself every month.
Since they started using their own delivery service things have greatly improved imho.
Hermes - that is Amazon's only downfall IMO. They are truly useless and do not deserve to be in business. :banghead:

Don't start me off with My Herpes, they've been the worst but the last few deliveries from them have actually arrived.
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I grant that Amazon are largely very efficient and generally reliable. But I always try to find someone else to buy from that is local or at least a smaller business. I hate what they did to bookshops. Delivery-wise they have mostly been very good but I agree Hermes are the weak link, but I've also had bad experiences regularly with Amazon's own couriers. Usually with expensive items that strangely go missing - yes Amazon replace straight away but it does make you wonder.
As for Prime, it doesn't work for me. The delivery service is rarely any better than standard free delivery for my purchases, and I cannot find more than the occasional programme or film on Prime that I like (I detest US tv series')
Not anger - frustration. Nine out of ten things delivered by Hermes is either late, damaged or goes missing. :facepalm:

wow i must be on another planet then, i'm semi rural yorkshire and the hermes folk arround here are epic, if i am not in it just goes behind my wheely bin.
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What a total waste of F*ing life
Delivery by "Amazon Logistics" is the thing to be wary of. Those words on my order fill me with dread in terms of when something will actually be delivered or if it will be delivered at all.

Other delivery options have almost always been excellent.
Don't start me off with My Herpes, they've been the worst but the last few deliveries from them have actually arrived.

I ordered Ben Horne’s landscape photography book a while back. My heart sank when I got the shipping email stating delivery by Hermes. The previous, and only other time, I’d dealt with Hermes, (a return to Lakeland), the driver looked like he’d been released from a Gulag that very day. I expected to find the book either dented to death after being launched over my fence or in a muddy puddle on the doorstep. To my surprise, the book arrived in mint condition, delivered by a driver wearing a suit and tie. Someone out of work due to covid/lockdown earning a few quid delivering stuff maybe. Good companies will still have crap staff and crap companies will still have some good staff.
Good companies will still have crap staff and crap companies will still have some good staff.

I would normally agree 100% with you on that one, but I think Hermes employ all the crap staff from both good and bad companies and then train them to be even worse. :eek:
I would normally agree 100% with you on that one, but I think Hermes employ all the crap staff from both good and bad companies and then train them to be even worse. :eek:

Hermes drivers aren't employed, they work on a rate per delivery. To deliver for Hermes you just need your own car. Our's are often two girls in a delapidated Polo or similar.
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I have prime and to be fair they (Amazon) are great, but..... I bought a flash from them and the deal was sign up for an Amazon card and pay for it using the card and get 33% off, winner,winner me thinks, what they don't tell you is that that card is then set up as your preferred payment method, foolishly when I bought something else off them a while later I didn't uncheck the Amazon card at the checkout and ended up paying for that item with a credit card, OK I paid it off at the next statement avoiding interest but that's not the point.