An enlarger...

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... was dropped off by a friend of mine this week. I have no idea how good it is or how it works. Also have a spare lens, trays, measures, pegs, some chemicals, a timer, canvas sheets and a red light :thinking:

EDIT: best part of this was that he also dropped off a 2 x reel paterson tank and a stash of spirals :woot:

I'll eventually get round to figuring out what I'm meant to do with this all :cautious:

Good part was the price: £0.00



Jessops enlargers are re-branded LPL's

I think that 3500 is an LPL 3301 or something similar if you need to find some destructions.
I don't think it will do M/F, 35mm only :)
Fat lot of use this is then :bang:

*googles nearest tip location*

EDIT: *starts a bonfire in back yard*

Jessops 3500......:shrug::D......I dunno I'm just guessing, you'll have to research, generally M/F enlargers have a 75mm lens and come with a jigsaw or jackhammer depending on whether you want to lower the floor or cut a big hole in the ceiling :LOL:
Yes, you're 100% right. Found the instruction manual and it's defo for 35mm. I guess it won't hurt to give it a whirl with some 35mm stuff... :p
That's exactly like my enlarger-an LPL 3301d. The lens you've got with it is a good one, although it's not one of the best known makes, as it will open up to a large aperture. The enlarger is fine for me and the red swivel filter is so useful that I wouldn't like to use an enlarger without one. I recently bought my enlarger on ebay for £30 so please don't throw it away!! It will only do 35mm negs. You may be able to get a larger format neg. carrier, I dont know.
Thanks jeannie. I was only kidding about throwing it away. I'm a real hoarder actually!

I will defo investigate a larger neg carrier, though. 95% of my shots are on MF...