Another Fly

paul rogers
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with having a little more time to take a second look at some of my macro work I decided to do this one again taken 2019.
No idea what type of fly it is but some one out there may know. Looking at other post is it anthomyiid male ?
Canon 7Dii 100mm f2.8 macro lens not the L series

6Y6A5694 mkii.jpg
One of the Dolichopodidae, do you have a pond where this was taken? I had loads around my pond when I had it. ;)
It is a female Dolichopus, and I think it is probably Dolichopus ungulatus. You can see that the lower postoculars are black and that there are at least two dorsal bristles on the hind meta-tarsus - can't rule out D. brebipennis though. OP said it was taken in 2019, so I would expect later in the year. These aren't out yet.