Another midnight excursion

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It was 5°c outside but it felt closer to zero as the after-midnight air was whipped up by a more than modest wind... Meant only a short hunt in the darkness, and 3 subjects found.

First a midge (or garden gnat) sheltering underneath the fence lateral bar keeping out of the wind as best it could... Then on a nearby concrete post between two fence panels I found another overwintering ladybird... And finally one of my resident Steatoda bipunctata (rabbit-hutch) spiders which don't seem to mind the temperatures at all...







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Love the Ladybug in No3 ;)
wow ,how do you find them u.v torch or?
Another great set Paul.

I'm glad you are managing to get out there I miss your posts (y)
Another great set Paul.

I'm glad you are managing to get out there I miss your posts (y)

Cheers Chris, much appreciated m8.

It's not easy in winter as we know but sometimes it's worth the bit of extra effort.

Very nice set, I like the dof in all of them.
For such close-ups that's quite a DoF, how do you manage that?
For such close-ups that's quite a DoF, how do you manage that?

The DoF is unchangeable - these were all I think at f/8 - however, the DoF increases slightly if you don't get as close and then crop in on the subject.

Kudos for effort Paul- a nice set too

Les :)

Thank you Les. (y)

Good set Paul. Like you say, not easy to find things at the moment. And cold and wind make it more of a challenge when you do find something.

Doesn't seem to affect our insects as much as it does me, lol... :)

Doesn't seem to affect our insects as much as it does me, lol... :)

I am only finding rather small things in the cold, and not many of them. In a couple of hours this afternoon, three or four springtails, a barkfly nymph, and larger but still fairly small a spider and a wasp..
There was a barkfly nymph last night too, but the one image I got wasn't clear enough so got deleted.

My PC is chuntering away doing pre-processing of today's catch atm. Then I'll be able to see if any turned out ok. The barkfly nymph was moving around and didn't stay visible very long so I doubt I'll get one of that which is worth keeping.