Another new Four Spotted Chaser

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On May 10th I saw a dragonfly clinging to the patio table leg with 'something' next to it. Turns out it was its laval case. I posted photos and was informed that it was a Four Spotted Chaser.

About 5.00pm yesterday I saw another case clinging to the house wall at the back and the temperature was hitting 40C in the sun earlier. Then my wife saw the dragonfly on the patio. I was now aware that it was likely to stay put for a while whilst its legs hardened (I'd Googled about them) so I had time to get my camera and this time get head-on shots. I got my bean bag and went to get a remote cable and returned to see it had gone onto the bean bag. Photo 3. I made sure it was safe from predators eyes and this morning it had gone. We have a pond so ,as this is the second such occurence I assume they're coming off the lilies but don't know for sure.

I use a 5D11 and the Canon 100mm f2.8 macro lens.
2.Four Spotted Chaser (2 of 1).jpg

3.Four Spotted Chaser (3 of 1).jpg
4.Four Spotted Chaser (4 of 1).jpg
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Nicely done John (y)