Another one ticked off the list...

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Headed out into the West Pennine Moors over the weekend in search of Bilberry and Green Hairstreaks. Not a Butterfly I've seen before, but one I've wanted to find and photograph for a while. Found a couple of promising sites and there were two or three flitting around at the second site. They're tiny, difficult to spot and even worse to try and track in flight! Anyway, enough rambling - this is the best I could manage in slightly blustery conditions - scruffy background, but not bad for a first attempt...

Green Hairstreak record shot by Simon Lundbeck, on Flickr

Now to try and get back there repeatedly to see if I can manage to improve on this :)
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Excellent first attempt and they don't have to be perfect to be pleasing. I like the colors, especially that gorgeous green on the wings.
Very nice.