Another Ruby

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I found this one running around the leaves of a Mock orange blossom in my mothers garden but it was a lot smaller and perhaps a different species than the previous one i found. Not a clue to be honest. Could just be a different sex as the abdomen is much rounder. The shots came out really under exposed so adjusted quite heavily. I used the same method of of cooling as before and released it back where i found it.

RTW by Andy Johnson, on Flickr

RTW2 by Andy Johnson, on Flickr

Ruby tailed wasp by Andy Johnson, on Flickr
Nice again. Some blue seems to be glowing from under it. Not sure if reflection from something or the processing ?
Yes it's the reflection from the ice pack. I need to cover it with something neutral. Hopefully I will have this sorted when I find something interesting again. It's not necessary to use plastic box which hinders the angle of the shot , so by just placing a small pot over the bug now and again keeps it cool enough to stop it flying...sometimes. trial and error at the moment
Nice. I like the third best, although I did find the blue on the underside a bit distracting. I very much like the two additional images.

I covered the ice pack with a black cloth sun glasses case, but this gave the ice pack a warm surface so the bugs were happy to crawl over it unfortunately. Next idea is to spray a tin can black then fill it with water and freeze it.