Ants and a fly from Colombia

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I rescued some insects from a swimming pool but a few wasps didn't make it so I used them to take photos of ants (I had previously tried honey but they weren't interested in it)
Ant taking a drowned wasp, Cali, Valle de Cauca, Colombia
The real size is 2.52 mm, magnification is 2.8

IMG_9934_Ant by davholla2002, on Flickr

Two ants pulling on a drowned wasp, Cali, Valle de Cauca, Colombia.
At 2..52 magnification, the ant on the left 2.71 mm long and the other 2.6mm

IMG_9943_Ants by davholla2002, on Flickr
Ant moving drowned wasp, Cali, Valle de Cauca, Colombia
The real size is 3.16 mm, magnification is 3.36
IMG_9954_Ant by davholla2002, on Flickr

Soldier fly, Cali, Valle de Cauca, Colombia
The real size is 8.63 mm, magnification is 1.4
IMG_9882_Soldier_Fly by davholla2002, on Flickr
You've captured the circle of life very well there David and the ants making a lot of effort too. Well done :D
You've captured the circle of life very well there David and the ants making a lot of effort too. Well done :D
Thank you my flash was dying so it made it harder. I wish I had had the idea of using dead insects before. Next time I will do that a lot more.
You captured some interesting behavior David :)
I wouldn't have thought that there was a lot of meat on a wasp. And its curious the way #2 appears to be removing the sting.
You captured some interesting behavior David :)
I wouldn't have thought that there was a lot of meat on a wasp. And its curious the way #2 appears to be removing the sting.
Thank you, I think it was using the sting as a lever. The wasp was twice the length of the ant - I should have filmed them as a spectacle it was quite fascinating.
Then again I will go there again so I will do that.