Any E6 processing experts here.

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I've been processing slide film for many years and generally get good results.
Thinking about the timings for the various steps leads me to wonder if most of them are "minimum" times.

I understand the effects of over/under first development but what about the rest?

For instance, is it even possible to "Over Reverse" slide film?
Can you overdo the colour development step?
I assume that you can leave the film in the bleach for very much longer than the standard 6 minutes, and I've never heard of over fixing.

The reason I ask is that it would be a much more relaxing thing to do if I didn't have to rush to drain and change the final five chemical steps.
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It is a long time since I did E6 processing. I used the Tetenal kit and noticed some inconsistencies in the instructions, which I documented at the time but can’t find now. What I do recall is that the timings given didn’t clearly differentiate between agitation and rotation processing. In black and white processing it is common to reduce times by 15% when using rotation processing. So if you used a time that was intended for agitation processing and gave continual rotation, you would be overprocessing. This suggests to me that extended time with bleach and fix are not likely to produce critical problems.

Of course I should reiterate that I’m not an expert in e6 processing, or anything else.
I've just found my previous comments on the Tetenal instructions. I won't repeat them here as they may not be relevant but here is the link:

Like Kevin Allen above, it is a long time since I did E6 processing, perhaps close on 20 years and the reason i gave up it was too 'mechanical' but to answer your question I occasionally 'over reversed' as you put it with little or no detriments and also bleach and fix were often overdone by up to 30 seconds or so. Again no detriment or longevity problems.

Oddly enough I am in the process of scanning all my decent slides and converting them into images for projection and it had occurred to me that slides were the epitome of good colour providing the processing was accurate and thought I may have another shot at it. Only the cost now is putting me off.