Any of these worth keeping? (Old Cameras/Lenses etc)

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Nikon TWZoom
Vivitar PS:130
Vivitar EZ 250
Minolta FS-E II
Canon Sureshot Sleek
Canon Sureshot AF-7
Halina Disc 108
Pentax Pino 35 J
Olympus M III 80
Canon IXUS M-1
Kodak Advantix 4700 IX
Minolta Weathermatic Dial 35
Kodak Ektra 52
Canon Sureshot 70 Zoom
Centon DF-300
Canon Snappy V
Olympus PEN EE-2
Agfamatic 3000
Kodak Brownie 127
Olympus AF-1
Minolta 5000 (with Minolta 35-70mm)
Voigtlander Dynamatic II
Kodak Brownie Six-20 Model D
Zeiss Ikon Contina
Minolta Weathermatic 550L
Zeiss Ikon Contessamat
Kodak Brownie 127
Pentax P30 (with Pentax 28-70mm f3.5-4.5)


Prinzflex 70-162mm
Tamron 80-210mm Adaptall 2 f3.8-4 (Adapter to fit all - gotta find one though)
Vivitar 70-200mm f4.5 (Pentax fit)
Cosina 100-300mm f5.6-6.7 (Nikon Fit)

I'm keeping the Cosina and the Tamron lenses so far, and not sure whether to keep the P30 body or not!

Any ideas? Might start a collection of shelf cameras :p. So thinking about keeping the Zeiss and possibly the Model D Brownie to sit next to my Yashica Mat.

Anyone know about any of these/have any?

Many thanks!
Mrs C and I are interested in starting a collection of interesting old cameras so I am sure lots of other people would be too. I bet you would get offers for lots of them BUT this looks a bit like a "whats it worth thread" which is norty!
No, just wondering which are worth keeping. The rest will be sold, and the money going to charity :).

I too am starting a collection, and i have these as a big selection;


Just wondering which ones i should look at keeping, to add to the collection.
My criteria will be 1 - "cameras we have owned when younger", 2 - "cameras that are special for some technical reason 1sts etc" and 3 - "cameras that are just a talking point".

So looking at your list for me (1) Brownie 127 and Canon M-1, (2) Not sure and (3) The other Brownie

Thats just my opinion though.... I like those cameras with bellows in the front and other strange additions like the Voigtlander Bessa 2 :)

I collected old computers for a while (and still have loads of them). I would expect old camera to be similar in certain ways so clean un-damaged ones, ones with nice instructions, ones that are rare and ones that are boxed are going to be worth more.
My criteria will be 1 - "cameras we have owned when younger", 2 - "cameras that are special for some technical reason 1sts etc" and 3 - "cameras that are just a talking point".

So looking at your list for me (1) Brownie 127 and Canon M-1, (2) Not sure and (3) The other Brownie

Thats just my opinion though.... I like those cameras with bellows in the front and other strange additions like the Voigtlander Bessa 2 :)

I collected old computers for a while (and still have loads of them). I would expect old camera to be similar in certain ways so clean un-damaged ones, ones with nice instructions, ones that are rare and ones that are boxed are going to be worth more.

Yes, i'm thinking about adding to my collection and having a nice display of some cameras. I'm thinking of keeping the Voigtlander above, Olympus Pen EE 2 and the Zeiss Contina most likely. Possibly the Model D as i quite like it, might add a Rollei to the display too at some stage :)
Yes, i'm thinking about adding to my collection and having a nice display of some cameras. I'm thinking of keeping the Voigtlander above, Olympus Pen EE 2 and the Zeiss Contina most likely. Possibly the Model D as i quite like it, might add a Rollei to the display too at some stage :)

Yes I like the model D and the Contina. Just cameras on their own in average condition that are not exceptional for any reason are not at all expensive so you can actually build up a collection without spending too much money. I wouldn't bother with a lot of the stuff though. You could wait for a free listing day and stick them all on individually and see what you get.
Yes I like the model D and the Contina. Just cameras on their own in average condition that are not exceptional for any reason are not at all expensive so you can actually build up a collection without spending too much money. I wouldn't bother with a lot of the stuff though. You could wait for a free listing day and stick them all on individually and see what you get.

Yeah, well like i said the rest will be sold anyway and the funds going to charity :).
if you picked what you liked the mods might let you run a charity auction here - a loada togs means a good audience for your charity and a fair chance the cams will get used
If I could have my pick from them, I would choose the two Zeiss Ikons.


Yep I'd keep them particular the Contessamat should have a rangefinder? I'd also keep the Voigtlander
Yeah, definitely thinking about the Zeiss, not too sure about the Contessamat, not keen on the feel of it. The Voigtlander i will, as they merged with Zeiss Ikon iirc.