Any one for weetabix?

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Well, it's not a flower - but does this work?? C&C please;)

It works for me..couple of small points though (imo of course) the cloud and the 2nd ear look a little (only a little) too bright to me and I would have been inclined to clone out the leaf far right just poking into the pic.

But B&W suits the subject for me and it has a good left to right slant which works again for me.

Yep - good stuff!!!
looks fab in B&W, great contrast, would love to see in colour tho!?! :D x x x
It works for me..couple of small points though (imo of course) the cloud and the 2nd ear look a little (only a little) too bright to me and I would have been inclined to clone out the leaf far right just poking into the pic.

But B&W suits the subject for me and it has a good left to right slant which works again for me.

Yep - good stuff!!!

thanks John, tried cloning the leaf but gave up, patience run out:| and yes they do look a bit bright didn't notice that at the time. :)

looks fab in B&W, great contrast, would love to see in colour tho!?! :D x x x

thanks Ladybird

I do like the colour version - I'll dig it out and post it later :)
Oh yes, like this a lot, it's got an abstract, dreamy feel to it that's so appealing.
That's a great shot LP :clap: I love the angle you've taken it from and the slight sepia tinge in the conversion works perfectly (y) I agree with Darkstar's comment about the brightness of the cloud but it's only a minor niggle in an otherwise superb photo :)