Anyone for a silly debate/moan ???

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My best mate moved away - some stupid thing like wanting more money, better place to live/bring up a family or some such inconsiderate rubbish

Anyway, we had some fab silly arguments - not slagging matches, just proper discussions on nothing serious, and I kinda miss them now

Many moons ago when I first joined TP I started a couple of such 'daft' debates, but no-one really got the idea at the time (my favourite was that we should pay criminals not to be criminals rather than lock them up - always a good one at parties :nuts:)

So, anyone got a bee in their bonnet - or just struck by something odd they wish to debate/argue/moan about?

Here's a funny advert theme that always gets me going...

Some product, any product, that's says...

"Nothing is better"

If so, why buy the product???

my kind of disccusion.
are policeman getting younger?

Good one...

So - are you suggesting there's an underlying regenerative policy for our Police force, denied to us mere mortals?

Is Max Factor merely a cover-up to confuse us?

What's your thoughts m8 - a DNA conspiracy???

Should voting be made mandatory - but with an option to vote for "none of the above" ?
I reckon we should have a debate on who's the superioir sex....that always causes a stir ....if you know what i xxxx

sounds like this could be fun.

ill get back to you :D

Or.. the ultimate (that dave & I already know the answer to ;))

Which is better... Canon or Nikon :p

Thats no debate wins every time
Should voting be made mandatory - but with an option to vote for "none of the above" ?

Mandatory - but at what level is a problem...

If you are disabled and can't leave your home are you

a) fined
b) shot
c) excluded
d) they come round to get your vote anyway

Then you need to define 'disability' for the above and have someone who can check?

Mandatory - but at what level is a problem...

If you are disabled and can't leave your home are you

a) fined
b) shot
c) excluded
d) they come round to get your vote anyway

Then you need to define 'disability' for the above and have someone who can check?


Nah, I guess they would get a postal vote like they can now (I think) - or get it all online :)
:LOL: @ Tom!

I think voting should be made mandatory...

There's always the option of postal votes and voting by proxy

Mental capacity issues abound though m8

Hey, we even have people who buy Canon gear FFS !!!

if nikon are so good why are they only just playing at full frame..:thinking:

im new so please enlighten me

Of course men are boring

That's what willies are for !!!



I knew i was going wrong somewhere...trying to talk to them ( the men that is....not the the willies....:nuts:) xxxx

At least women talk sense....well about clothes.....diets .....and shopping....:razz:
I think everyone who voted for Boris would have to go on that "limited mental capacaties" database though! which might not be a bad thing I guess :p
Okay - so if I get it so far...

We're ignoring the coppers comment

Women can talk sense about crap, but nothing serious

Canon users suffer mental incapacity

The D3 is brill

Sounds about right so far


:clap::clap::clap: although i have to stand up and disagree with the women is serious stuff....honest....:wacky:
Sammi - forgive me if I'm wrong... but are you... a... girl ???



eerrrrmmm....yes....but that doesn't mean to say i have bunches in my hair and wear pink ( no offence to anyone that does)...i 'm a kind of girl that would rather be out with the lads watching footie than shopping...:razz:
sorry, but back to the policeman question. i beleive that new recruits to the police service are infact cryogenical frozen , and animated by robot inards. thus not aging, although appering animate.
thus staying the same age, while all around them, everyone else gets older.
therefore . comparatively, policemen ARE getting younger.

men are actualy the superior sex. but simply because of good manners, we allow women to think they are.:LOL:
some women do attend" footy" and drink beer in pints., but thats only to appear more popular with men, to other women.:D
i am a canon user.
so ignore anything i say.
eerrrrmmm....yes....but that doesn't mean to say i have bunches in my hair and wear pink ( no offence to anyone that does)...i 'm a kind of girl that would rather be out with the lads watching footie than shopping...:razz:

Hmmmm let me guess then... you must be into horses and riding crops? Am I right?


Next you'll be telling us you're into something manly like, I don't know, Scuba Diving !!!


So as a girl then - you must accept that men are better? Yes?

Which would you rather have.......

A horses tail, or a camels hump. Answer....and discuss
(I love Men Behaving Badly style questions :D)
sorry, but back to the policeman question. i beleive that new recruits to the police service are infact cryogenical frozen , and animated by robot inards. thus not aging, although appering animate.
thus staying the same age, while all around them, everyone else gets older.
therefore . comparatively, policemen ARE getting younger.

men are actualy the superior sex. but simply because of good manners, we allow women to think they are.:LOL:
some women do attend" footy" and drink beer in pints., but thats only to appear more popular with men, to other women.:D
i am a canon user.
so ignore anything i say.

Can't comment on police debate.....
men aren't that polite....and i only watch footie as i fancy some of the players however could still explain the offside rule....attention to detail you see and i drink beer well its cheap and i like it....don't give a damn about being popular ....i'm married....lost that ego years :eek::eek::eek:
sorry, but back to the policeman question. i beleive that new recruits to the police service are infact cryogenical frozen , and animated by robot inards. thus not aging, although appering animate.
thus staying the same age, while all around them, everyone else gets older.
therefore . comparatively, policemen ARE getting younger.

men are actualy the superior sex. but simply because of good manners, we allow women to think they are.:LOL:
some women do attend" footy" and drink beer in pints., but thats only to appear more popular with men, to other women.:D
i am a canon user.
so ignore anything i say.

The Police theory makes sense - I've certainly seen a teenager cop around these parts for the last 15 years, and he's still unable to say 'Morning All' without making a strange whirring noise

A Man's ability to defer (apparent) superiority to a woman proves superiority as the female brain cannot appreciate the wit/sarcasm/irony of the measure

Thanks for admitting your fallibility as a user of the 'white' side - but as a man myself, I can forgive you

Live long
Shoot often


Hmmmm let me guess then... you must be into horses and riding crops? Am I right?


Next you'll be telling us you're into something manly like, I don't know, Scuba Diving !!!


So as a girl then - you must accept that men are better? Yes?


You've clearly been reading my crops....enough said...

How is scuba diving manly ????? xxx

You've clearly been reading my crops....enough said...

How is scuba diving manly ????? xxx

Of course I read your profile - I'm psychotic not psychic !!!

Ok - so wearing tight clothing & getting all wet isn't manly I have to agree

But I note you didn't agree, and more tellingly disagree, to my comment that you must agree men are superior?
