anyone using a nikon f4

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Had my first roll of film back from the bronica and although only half were even close to being properly exposed film is awesome! however i can foresee having to part with it for financial reasons and thought getting an F4 might be a good way to stay in touch with film and not break the bank. 35mm is cheaper to process etc plus can use my existing lenses and the f4 can auto focus but is also meant to be pretty good for manual lenses too. Opinions anyone?
Yep I have one and been using it on and off for the past 15+ years.

They did 3 F4, F4s and F4E the only difference was the size of the battery pack

I think it is one of the best designed Nikons ever, all the controls are on the outside (no menus) and it is built like a tank.

Has single point AF, but it is not a problem, Matrix metering (which works very well) and will give you Matrix with AIs lens to (y)

Not sure about the VR lens as I think some one said that the later F100 will give you VR support :shrug: it should also work with the G Series lens but I think it will only give you Program and Shutter Priority

Would not swop mine for anything :D

Check out the Mir site as it has loads of info on the F4
cheers, i forgot about mir!

i dont think itll be a problem to source one and its not going to be for a while i just wanted to see what folk thought of them
Buy an F5...
and just by coincidence I happen to have one up for sale...
thanks but f5 is bit big and yours is a more than i'd pay, thanks for thinking of me though
Depending on what you want to do with it and how prepared you are to learn "old fashioned techniques" the F4s is a fabulous camera body - it just fits perfectly and I always was more fond of it than the F5 that I had afterwards. I only sold my 4s last year (to a chap on IOW on here) and it still felt "RIGHT" when I handled it for th elast time before posting it off.

It is MUCH quieter than the F5 too - and there is a quiet motordrive setting on a medium FPS rate (it does about 2 FPS on quite mode, just another drive setting on the left top button.

The film rewind can be done by the motor (uses more battery power) or wound back by hand. Auto loading feature was excellent - just run the film out to the take up spool and align the end of the leader with the green line, I always made sure the first hole was caught by the sprocket though. Then shut the back and hit the shutter button - it winds on to frame 1 automatically. If you are mean, like me, by putting the FIRST sprocket hole on the sprocket tooth, you can get 38 frames out of a 36 roll!

Focus is gear drin for older lenses, but AF1 and AFS lenses work like on any other, using their own motor. Single, small focus point in centre of frame is slow, but very accurate (always a Nikon strength. Accuracy over speed).

Build is second to none - I saw one dropped out of a helicopter with an 80-200 on it. I think it was 4s, Nikon anyway - it was fine and was used as soon as the broken filter was removed. Lens was a bit bent, but body fine.

The shutter was a lightweight alloy, not as pretty as the earlier titanium, honeycomb shutters of the FM2 and FE2, but should be good for 500,000 or close.

An excellent choice - and very comfortable for manual focus too. Don't worry about older glass either - primes will work brilliantly and things like the 17-35, will be astonishingly good, liewise the 35-70 f2.8D. D lenseswould be your best choices. NOt G, unless you use them on digi bodies as well.

Price? From £200 - £350 I would say.
thanks but f5 is bit big and yours is a more than i'd pay, thanks for thinking of me though

£400...a bit much...? It's a bargain...a of the F*****g century mate...:LOL:
The shutter was a lightweight alloy, not as pretty as the earlier titanium, honeycomb shutters of the FM2 and FE2, but should be good for 500,000 or close.


a tad optimistic perhaps ?
I don't think so at all - mine did close to that and was still spot on when it was checked. Over 10,000 rolls of 36 (at 38 per roll), so probably the equivalent of 400,000 I would think the mirror to go before the shutter blades - provided you stick your fingers in of course, they don't like that.
£400 for an F5 - about right for a minter. I sold a brand new one for that last year. AND I mean brand new - not had a roll through it, still with the plastic thing over the shutter blades.
£400...a bit much...? It's a bargain...a of the F*****g century mate...

3 f5s at aperture for under 400 and 2 at ffordes under 400 and 1 for 400. Given they come with a warranty, i dont think 400 off a forum is steal of the century.

EDIT: cheers lensflare, use prime and manual lenses anyway so really just getting feedback about the body-FM2n also a possibility but no auto option for newer lenses.
I've got an F4s on extended loan from a buddy. Built like a tank. Feels great in the hand and beautiful shots. I'm digital and only use the F4 when I get the hankering to shoot and dev a roll of B&W. I'll be sad to let it go when he asks for it back.
I too have an F4s and have had it since around 98. The build quality is very strong and you know you're holding it that's for sure. I like the vertical button on the extra battery housing for portraits. It's getting towards the end of it's life for me. I need to upgrade to digital - which is imminent. I've loved using it, when I go away i take the large MB pack off and just use the small pack. Even with that it's not light!

I do however think the F5 is probably the best "top of the range at the time" manual camera they've produced