Araneus diadematus

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The webs are built by the large females. At the tip of the abdomen there are three pairs of spinnerets, which secrete silk used to create the web. They usually face head down on the web. Orb Spiders are said to eat their webs each night along with many of the small insects stuck to it. They have been apparently been observed eating the web in just a couple of minutes! A new web is then spun in the morning.

So here is my ubiquitous Araneus diadematus with some more of the "lesser seen" angles - and you can see her... erm... lady bits quite clearly (epigyne)...





Had to evict an orb spider from the window on the back door at my mum's house this afternoon, owing to the spider's habit of dropping off its web if it's disturbed. Without eviction the predicted outcome was: open the door, spider drops off onto kitchen floor, cat gains new toy for two minutes before spider ends up in kit form!
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Orb Spiders are said to eat their webs each night along with many of the small insects stuck to it.
I'd not heard that before, but it does make a lot of sense TBH.

Cracking set as always Paul (y)
I'd not heard that before, but it does make a lot of sense TBH.

Cracking set as always Paul (y)

Thank you Chris m8.

I only discovered this myself yesterday Chris - I mentioned it an experts group on Facey Bookie and it's not been refuted so I think it must be correct.
