Are you a Mac or Windows user?

What OS do you use?

  • Windows User

    Votes: 62 45.3%
  • Mac OS

    Votes: 40 29.2%
  • Both

    Votes: 35 25.5%
  • Linux coz I am 1337

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Raymond Lin

I am Groot
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I don't intend or want to know which is better, bah bah, just incase the fanboys come out of the wood works. I do know that statistically, Windows has a wider userbase as a whole. But i am interested to know what is the ratio between Windows and Mac in this community, a community that is Art and Design orienated and what the userbase for each OS are.
I'm a mac user - I switched last August and love it.
Why dont you start a poll? That could be easier to find out!

Anyways, I am a Mac user
At work windows (company policy). At Home Mac, although I do still have to run windows programs (VMware Fusion to the rescue) for my astrophotography.
I guess I use both, but only use the mac under protest, so I went for Windows in the poll :p
I run WinXP on my works laptop although I am trying to persuade them to buy me a 13" Macbook Pro. I made the switch over to OS X a few months ago as a PVR/Personal computer running through my 40" LCD TV so it's all set up in my room and I can go from watching DVD's, Freeview to checking my emails and surfing the net in one handy package.

No need to faff waiting for this old, outdated and underspec'd laptop to start.

I run winXP on my HTPC, Vista on my desktop-substitute laptop, and Windows 7 on my netbook.

I dabble with linux every year or so then decide I'd rather be doing pretty much anything than googling for the magical source package and terminal command I need to get my wireless working, then format it and stick windows back on.

I wouldn't mind getting Mac OS on one of my laptops but I just can't be arsed. Windows 7 from my experience using the RC does everything I need and want.
Windows. Never used a mac and wasted a pile of time with Linux.

Nothing against Mac, just never felt the need nor had the opportunity to use it.
Mostly Windows based here, though I dual boot Windows 7 and OS X on my netbook, just because I have a few clients that use Macs.
I use both! I've got Windows on my PC, and use it for storage mostly. I've also got my Macbook which is my work horse :)
WHOOPS I JUST VOTED BUT CLICKED ON WINDOWS! :bonk::bonk: I am a mac user. :D
Suits my lifestyle and attitude :D
winda's for me (y)

I've used Mac on and off since 1987, then only a Mac for the last 9 years.
I've run windows for the past 16 years, altho in the past 6 years i've had a go on and off with linux on an old PC but not really done much with it.
I am a mac man, made the change about 2 years ago and have never looked back since. Not because it is better / worse but because it suits my workflow processes better. I do run MS Office though.

I'm a Mac man I changed over 3yrs ago and although I still support windows systems at my work that is the only real interaction that I have with them.

I don't try to say that they are better or that Windows is rubbish, I just feel that I prefer working with Mac.
I suspect, regardless of the poll result, Mac will still only make up 5% of this forums user base.
I suspect, regardless of the poll result, Mac will still only make up 5% of this forums user base.

It wouldn't be foolproof by any means but the admins could probably check the OS type of visitors to the site.
I suspect, regardless of the poll result, Mac will still only make up 5% of this forums user base.

I'd suggest probably a bit higher than that, probably double the normal percentage for a creative forum.

I use Windows, I just haven't found the "need" to go over to a mac, the extra cost doesn't bring any benefit to me, and I don't like the look of macbooks, they are so plain (except the black one, now that looks nice).
I'm a Mac user, and have been for just over 3 years. Much prefer OS X to Windows (although I do have to use XP at Uni on occasions when I don't take my MacBook Pro with me.)
Linux and Mac

I have a windows machine for the rare times that I need to use specific software.
(and for games)
OK a small sample but it's interesting to see that Mac population is much higher than I thought. Also a lot of people using both, like me
I'm both - I was a Windows user that switched to Mac because of my design work, but then brought Windows back into the house due to some MS training. So now I use both
Mac and PC and work
Mac at home

Mac is my OS of preference by a country mile :)