Assorted Yardlings...

Great shots really BUT…
too punchy, saturated, and over sharpened…
Ah, the consequences of editing on an HP laptop with a screen I have hated for years. I suppose I should go for underwhelming on that screen and it will be stellar on good ones. I post here to learn, so all advice is appreciated!

If I could get one RAW, I would
suggest a possible rendition!
Unfortunately I have been shooting all jpegs lately just because of the smaller file size and ease of transfer for other photos. I'll go back to straight raw for my future shots. Is there a huge difference in the output quality after editing for raw vs jpg?
Is there a huge difference in the output quality after editing for raw vs jpg?

The main qualities, advantages of shooting RAW are
— greatest elasticity in every way
— always original since one cannot edit a RAW file
— easier conversion in terms of WB, dynamic and
tonal range etc

Basically, a RAW file is a mineral recording of the
information of what was in front of the lens. PP is
just the process to render it with a more organic
fell to it.

In a nut shell: Shoot RAW! This is just MY opinion,
others may have pros and or cons.
Thanks! That may be one of the reasons my edits feel grainy so quickly with even minor tweaks...