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Very nice set. Ever catch one in mid jump?
Nice find :)
Scary insect- nicely shot though :)
Very nice set. Ever catch one in mid jump?
Many thanks all!
@K9Kirk I have got one mid jump before but never one which you can tell what it is. Since my flash died about a year ago I have been operating on natural light alone and the shutter speeds I've been using are just not fast enough, frankly I am not sure I am fast enough to catch it even if I got the shutter speed right... :)
Excellent, natural light looks good I prefer not to use flash
Nice m8 - the downy JS, I've photographed one once (mine was sitticus sp.), not seen one since!

Thanks Paul, I see them randomly in the garden most years although no where near as much as the Zebra JS, those are everywhere. :)
Excellent, natural light looks good I prefer not to use flash
Thanks Pete, I too am liking the natural lighting but still really want to get some twin speed lights back in my kit bag.