B&W or colour, critique please.

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I sometimes wonder whether I'm obsessed with monochrome, I'll nearly always do a B&W conversion of every macro I take and then discard it because I think I'm trying to be too "arty"!
Anyway, I thought I'd like some views about this baby strawberry.
What does colour bring to the image? For this particular image colour informs the viewer that this isn't a ripe fruit so there's a significant difference between the colour and b&w version.

Got to ask yourself what you're trying to get across with the image. If it's a straight documentary shot [a picture of something] I'd say, stay in colour. If you're trying to say something [a picture about something], then you need to think about what works best for what you're trying to say.

For example, when I saw the B&W version, I thought "strawberry", then I saw the colour and thought. "Nope". Thinking about my reply, I'd probably tackle this as a tryptich with green strawberry on the left, a red strawberry on the right (the same one when it's ripe probably, or even the green one recoloured) and a black and white version in the middle that is something else (either another shot when it's ripening or a photoshop half 'n' half of red & green). With a bit more space around the strawberries and going square with each shot I think it would work well as either three panels on the wall, or a single panel with three images on it.
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Nice sharp shot but when I saw it in B&W I thought wow that must look great in colour. I was then disappointed to see it was green, I was expecting a juicy red. Even though it's green, I think it still looks better than the B&W version.