Back again lol.

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Hi all. I took a break from photography for a while as I became frustrated/bored/annoyed or disillusioned at what I was doing. I always seemed to be using the max zoom on the lenses I have (14-42 and 40-150) but never getting the results I was happy with, mostly down to me not knowing what I am really doing lol, as there is just me trying to teach myself what to do.

This is also compounded by the fact that I dont even know what I like taking pictures of lol, I like birds, some landscapes (mostly with moving water in them), flowers, interesting buildings and also macro, but most of all I like things that are a bit different, out of the ordinary, such as different perspectives, angles etc, like buildings shot from the ground looking up as an example. I hope that makes sense lol.

Anyway I am finding it difficult for a few reasons such as I never really go anywhere, I used to go to my local park but I have be confronted so many times now due to the childrens play areas and me wandering around with a camera in my hands, people seem to automaticaly think I am taking pictures of the kids and get upset calling me alsorts of names, so I just stopped going there.

Then there is the knowledge side of things, I try my best to remember it all, but I usually forget at least one thing that then makes the image a bit out, either shutter speed, f stop or to high an iso etc.

Then I wanted to try and take a few shots of the moon (nothing complicated) but with a max of 150mm it does not seem to work.

Then we get into the cost of lenses which are to much for me (and lots of other people aswell) even the basic primes like panny 25mm f1.7 or the Oly 45mm f1.8, which are both cheap (relatively) compared to most lenses, which is why I thought about them as a way of stopping me using max zoom all the time and zooming with my feet lol, aswell as maybe getting a better image quality.

This leads me onto the subject of editing, even this is expensive for me (outside of the free programs I use) and a bit pointless for me as I have no graphics card in my pc (I have the AMD Ryzen 5 5600G with onboard graphics, so nearly all the AI stuff like noise reduction etc is not available to me.

All in all most stuff is beyond my reach so I get frustrated when for example I would like to see what the difference is between 12mm and 14mm (my minimum) I have heard it is quite a big difference? or how much better is a 25 or 45mm prime against my kit zooms?. well I guess for now I will not know so back to trying my best lol.

And why is it that when I am out with the wife walking the dog, I keep looking at things and thinking "that might make a good image"?.

Sorry for the rant , back to taking photos lol.

cheers Andy
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Hi and welcome back (y)

I have not read your whole post because, frankly, without paragraph breaks it is not a comfortable read through.
I keep looking at things and thinking "that might make a good image"?.

This is the bit that you need to pay attention to. Kit is helpful when it serves this, distracting if it doesn't. Work to see interesting things, go to interesting places, stop worrying about what you can't do.

FWIW I tend to just use one camera body with a 'standard' 50mm lens. It's sometimes limiting, but also less gear oriented.
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Hi and welcome back (y)

I have not read your whole post because, frankly, without paragraph breaks it is not a comfortable read through.
Sorry about that, writing and grammar never were strong points of mine. hopefully corrected it now.
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I think we all find some problems, many similar, just a case of different place, different approach and different method.

My G5 lives in the living room, with the 14-45 and 45-150 lenses. The 45-150 is a lovely lens for close ups with a screw on "filter" lens, and the 14-45 is the same range as compacts used to be, and the same as kit lenses on Canon etc. Very capable setup.

Put it on P (and auto ISO) and shoot as if you had a Brownie, ie sun behind the camera and rule of thirds. But if you just want to point it anywhere and push the button, do it :)

My laptop is old and not fast, with an onboard video card, but I can use all the programmes I have tried. I don't want or really need any of the AI ones, there is plenty to do with the ordinary programmes.

I don't know where you live, but it must be pretty hard to say there is nothing around to take photos of. Some are more fortunate than others with rivers etc., but there is nearly always something.

Don't worry about what things you don't have are like, make use of the things you do have, they are very capable and god quality. Doesn't really matter what the difference between 12mm and 14mm is, it's not worth the cost of another lens that does roughly the same as the one you have.

You don't need to compete with any body, do as well as any body or do better than any body, just go out and enjoy what you can do, you will surprise yourself :)
Thanks Steve, I just let things get in my head, and once there they are hard to shift lol.

I live in an area where there is not a lot around apart from the local park, as I dont drive going further is awkward to say the least, even without taking my mobility into account.

I will go back out in my local area and carry on doing what I had been doing, sometimes I stop myself from doing what I enjoy just by thinking lol.

I lack confidence, both in what I am doing and in myself (I literaly dont like myself) and have to keep picking myself up off the floor every now and then.

So onwards and upwards I hope lol.
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I think we all find some problems, many similar, just a case of different place, different approach and different method.

My G5 lives in the living room, with the 14-45 and 45-150 lenses. The 45-150 is a lovely lens for close ups with a screw on "filter" lens, and the 14-45 is the same range as compacts used to be, and the same as kit lenses on Canon etc. Very capable setup.

Put it on P (and auto ISO) and shoot as if you had a Brownie, ie sun behind the camera and rule of thirds. But if you just want to point it anywhere and push the button, do it :)

My laptop is old and not fast, with an onboard video card, but I can use all the programmes I have tried. I don't want or really need any of the AI ones, there is plenty to do with the ordinary programmes.

I don't know where you live, but it must be pretty hard to say there is nothing around to take photos of. Some are more fortunate than others with rivers etc., but there is nearly always something.

Don't worry about what things you don't have are like, make use of the things you do have, they are very capable and god quality. Doesn't really matter what the difference between 12mm and 14mm is, it's not worth the cost of another lens that does roughly the same as the one you have.

You don't need to compete with any body, do as well as any body or do better than any body, just go out and enjoy what you can do, you will surprise yourself :)

Could not have put it better than this!
Thanks Steve, I just let things get in my head, and once there they are hard to shift lol.

I live in an area where there is not a lot around apart from the local park, as I dont drive going further is awkward to say the least, even without taking my mobility into account.

I will go back out in my local area and carry on doing what I had been doing, sometimes I stop myself from doing what I enjoy just by thinking lol.

I lack confidence, both in what I am doing and in myself (I literaly dont like myself) and have to keep picking myself up off the floor every now and then.

So onwards and upwards I hope lol.
I wonder if a different sense of 'focus', no pun intended, might help?

If you have a garden, perhaps at this time of year or indeed the whole year .... photographing what is literally outside the (back) door?

Or maybe give yourself something you can do indoors such as a "still life" project. This of course can include found items from outside e.g. feathers, leaves, stones etc.

IMO you don't need expensive lighting to do still life, using simple reflectors such as white card, coloured cards, tin foil, a desk lamp can all allow the manipulation of the light to get different images.

You may have seen @badlywornroy posts with his highly crafted still life tableaux

Just some thoughts to maybe give you a boost to see your interest in photography grow in other directions :thinking:

All the best with finding a refreshed mojo to enjoy your photography.
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Thank you Box Brownie, I dont think I need more equipment (not yet at least) I already have 3 cameras lol all MFT . I have a Panasonic G5, an Olympus EM10 ii and an Olympus EM1 mki.

The latter 2 where gifts along with the Oly 14-42 ez, and the oly 40-150 kit lenses.

I already had the panny 14-42 and 45-150 kit lenses I got with my Panny G5.

I think I need imagination,

I saw a few large pine cones on the ground yesterday while taking my dog to the vets and thought they look nice, but then just carried on walking.

Maybe I should have picked them up and brought them home?.

Going to look at what sort of things I can use for back drops at home, and maybe go and see if those pine cones are still there lol.
Agree with the post directly above and other pointers in the thread,

Have you thought about trying to meet with another like minded photographer and visiting places jointly, it might rejuvenate your enthusiasm and assist with subject selection, I've done something similar whereby I found a interested friend and we've done loads of things over the past few years, inc subjects outside of both our comfort zones which has stretched us both in a good way.
Thank you Box Brownie, I dont think I need more equipment (not yet at least) I already have 3 cameras lol all MFT . I have a Panasonic G5, an Olympus EM10 ii and an Olympus EM1 mki.

The latter 2 where gifts along with the Oly 14-42 ez, and the oly 40-150 kit lenses.

I already had the panny 14-42 and 45-150 kit lenses I got with my Panny G5.

I think I need imagination,

I saw a few large pine cones on the ground yesterday while taking my dog to the vets and thought they look nice, but then just carried on walking.

Maybe I should have picked them up and brought them home?.

Going to look at what sort of things I can use for back drops at home, and maybe go and see if those pine cones are still there lol.
After you have tried the pine cones as being part of a still life "setting", you could the push suet into the cone and hang it out for the birds.....attracting some wildlife to enjoy & possibly photograph their activities.
Agree with the post directly above and other pointers in the thread,

Have you thought about trying to meet with another like minded photographer and visiting places jointly, it might rejuvenate your enthusiasm and assist with subject selection, I've done something similar whereby I found a interested friend and we've done loads of things over the past few years, inc subjects outside of both our comfort zones which has stretched us both in a good way.
A good point re: meeting up with other photographers....local camera club & it's members (?).... possibly added benefit is if they were going to say a nature reserve or scenic area that @Carpy2001 could not reach?
I saw a few large pine cones on the ground yesterday while taking my dog to the vets and thought they look nice, but then just carried on walking.

Maybe I should have picked them up and brought them home?.

Going to look at what sort of things I can use for back drops at home, and maybe go and see if those pine cones are still there lol.

I saw your post about using your flash for first time, you could get the pine cones and other items and try out some lighting themes @Garry Edwards is running :)

And why is it that when I am out with the wife walking the dog, I keep looking at things and thinking "that might make a good image"?.
i don't think it needs to be more complicated than this - go for walks and have your camera with you ready - if something makes you look twice or it might make a nice picture then take it. Sometimes it's nice to take a picture of something just to see how it looks photographed, do that as well.

Looking at other photographers and their work is really helpful too