Back From The Sandy Place


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Just spent a fortnight photographing the recent Iraqi Referendum vote in Baghdad, al-Hillah and an-Najaf.
Most entertaining and managed to get some take-up by the agencies, mostly AFP and Reuters, but not as much as hoped for.
Why, you may ask?
It all went too well with almost no violence at all.
It was like a village fete in al-Hillah (used to be the ancient city of Babylon - you're literally stepping in the footsteps of the prophets hereabouts...).
The images aren't that great photographically, I suppose and there are a couple that I look at now and kick myself over - basic schoolboy errors with the composition - but considering the percieved threat and the fact that I was unarmed and dressed in civvy clothes may have had an adverse effect!

Anyway they're all here:

BTW, we finally got the new NIKON D2x's and the new images are taken at RAW(NEF) and edited in PS2.
Interesting viewing. Don't like the way the guy with the machine gun is looking at you!
He was gleaming. As soon as I showed him the image on the screen, he grinned and all the others wanted their photos taken as well.
Ten minutes later we were all best mates and sharing MPEG Porn from our mobile phones - theirs was better than mine!!!

The new cameras are very good indeed, with the pixels having the apperance of film grain at high magnification. The latitude seems more like colour neg film as well. Great stuff.
Arkady said:
Ten minutes later we were all best mates and sharing MPEG Porn from our mobile phones.

Could it be that you've stumbled across the solution to world peace in our time?!?! :LOL: ;) who'd have thought it eh?... great story mate :thumb:
Excellent pictures Rob, very good to have you back safe and in one piece.