Background for house plant photos

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I have some house plants that I want to photo some like the orchids below can be moved so I can isolate from the background.
However I also have some very confused Christmas Cactii which are still flowering by a window and if I move them then they stop flowering.
The window does not look great as back ground nor the net curtain - any other ideas. Ideally using something I can find in the house.

Orchid_139Canon_22imagestack by davholla2002, on Flickr

Orchid_147Canon_22imagestack by davholla2002, on Flickr

Orchid_145Canon_22imagestack by davholla2002, on Flickr
Towels, sheets, plain wall, bits of hardboard/plywood, coloured card or paper , just get the subject at a distance from the background.
I use white card, black card , foamboard or coloured fabric whichever suits.
Towels, sheets, plain wall, bits of hardboard/plywood, coloured card or paper , just get the subject at a distance from the background.
I use white card, black card , foamboard or coloured fabric whichever suits.
Interesting I thought that towels would look awful but I will try that.
Can you not just open the window? I would guess whatever is in the distance will provide a nice blurred background.