Bark fly and worms

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Just found a bark fly on the compost bin. First one I have seen this year...


And the tubifex worms or whatever they are (blood worms?) are out in force around an apple that has fallen into my little garden pond.



It looks like a mixture of both, to me Paul.
Bloodworms are quite dumpy and red, tubifex are longer, thinner and more brownish.
The fish will love them ( assuming you have fish)

Great capture on the bark fly (y)
It looks like a mixture of both, to me Paul.
Bloodworms are quite dumpy and red, tubifex are longer, thinner and more brownish.
The fish will love them ( assuming you have fish)

Great capture on the bark fly (y)

Only tadpoles Chris... :)

Only tadpoles Chris... :)

Tadpoles? seem a bit later? mine are hopping about in the "undergrowth" ;)

Nonetheless tadpoles turn carnivorous when they get their back legs.
I raised a load the other year and fed them on tubifex & brine shrimp once their legs started to appear :)
Yeah - there are still a fair few swimming around.
I've noted elsewhere in the past, I get a pond full of spawn each year around mid / late March.
Mid April I get a couple of hard late frosts and it turns it all to jelly. :(

This year however I did hear the males calling, again in late May, and spotted a handful of tadpoles in the shallows sometime after.
I guess they managed an albeit small, second clutch (y)
Yeah - there are still a fair few swimming around. I did see a couple legging, and I assume they have now left the water, but I've seen froglets in the garden.

Very nice barkfly - they can be tricky.
Sadly my pond only has newts - no frogs or toads. I don't think I have seen either this year.
Very nice barkfly - they can be tricky.
Sadly my pond only has newts - no frogs or toads. I don't think I have seen either this year.

Thanks Dave.

I've only had a couple of newts over the years and would like more but it's unlikely to happen. I see a few toads occasionally but it's usually frogs.

Thanks Dave.

I've only had a couple of newts over the years and would like more but it's unlikely to happen. I see a few toads occasionally but it's usually frogs.

I think but could be wrong you can't have newts and frog tadpoles in the same small pond.