Battery changing on EOS30 & EOS500n

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I can't seem to find any information about this but if my batteries failed part way through a film on either of my EOSs can I just change them and would the camera remember the frame number it was at prior to the batteries fading?
There's no warning in either of the manuals stating that swapping the battery will reset the film counter, much the same as my EOS5. I've just removed the battery from mine and it didn't lose the frame count, so I reckon you'll be okay. It's not exactly life or death to know the frame count anyway - Just stick a bit of masking tape on the back of the camera saying "ADD 8 FRAMES" if it dooes ;) The camera senses the end of the film for rewind purposes by the tension increase when there's no more film to pull outof the canister, rather than by frame numbers anyway, so even if you don't know the end of the film, the camera will.

Oh - in case you need them - manuals for EOS30 and EOS500 here