Buddy yes, I completely understood how the skin test leads a farmer to believe his new aquisition is healthy when it was not. got that mate,
My question was do folks understand "closed flock" it's implications to what the farmer said and to the breeds one sees in our world now
Jerry be patient with me mate I know what I'm trying to get out, lol but it might be hard won.
Jerry let me try to explain a closed flock..leastways bro my understanding...................a closed flock is probably the base of a breed in domestic stock. A closed flock is going to be seriously inbred, the stockman is working with ( within )a genepool to extrapolate desired characters.
A closed flock means little comes in. VERY little Jerry. Buddy the flock is closed, one brings in another animal with HUGE care thought and resonsibility AND RISK !!!!!!!!
All domestic breeds have a progenitor. That is the base wild thing man started to breed to pull out desirable characteristics. Jerry in chucks( the progenitor) that's the red jungle fowl, in dux most likely a mallard, although the musk duck is a player with moscovey. Dogs a wolf, piggy pigs, wild boar and onwards ......................sheeps and cattle hell I dunno the base, but it's there for sure.
Buddy for millenia man( farmer's stockmen /women) have worked with those base progenitors to produce all these different breeds. These breeds are not species, they have the same founding genepool ( progenitor). So one can cross one breed with another and produce fertile offspring
How man has done that is largely down to a closed flock. .and inbreediing within said flock. One closes a flock two fold in part one wants no outside desease( important re topic in hand), and also to work with the genes in our flock to produce desirable traits.
EG: By working with a strain of aminals and selective breeding/line breeding one can produce stock that is incredibly well adapted to a specific local, without bringing in new blood. But there are caviats...said closed flock might be devastated by a new desease it's never seen...............before.because fundamentally it is so inbred.
Jerry does this all make sense...when a farmer says to me I had a closed flock for 30 years and I brought in new blood,
I'd be slightly aghast my first question to him or her is why? What are the potential gains to your flock? closely followed by what do you perceive are the desease risks?................. you are working with iinbred genes are you sure you want to do this after 3 decades ??
That's Why I asked do folks understand a closed flock is in part because there is a plausible weakness to desease within a limited inbred genepool, ha or visa versa a greater resistance which is very relevent to topic and was stated in the film John linked
Also because a closed flock is the base of the astounding relationship between man and domesticated live stock, which is basically just plain fascinating. for all that adore nature
Does that help buddy?