weekly Bebop's 52 for 2017 thread - week 52 Weather - done

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I've never done anything like this before. Looking forward to themed challenges and hope I can stay the course!

Week 0 29/12/16 Song Title/Lyrics
Week 1 Order
Week 2 Comfort
Week 3 Hairy
Week 4 Smooth
Week 5 Mineral
Week 6 Whole
Week 7 Structure
Week 8 Routine
Week 9 Number(s)
Week 10 Attractive
Week 11 Dark
Week 12 power
Week 13 Above
Week 14 Evolve(d)
Week15 Hold
Week 16 Smoke
Week 17 Vivid
Week 18 Large
Week 19 Architecture
Week 20 Broken
Week 21 Transport
Week 22 Minimalistic
Week 23 Progress
Week 24 Pleasure(able)
Week 25 Tiny
Week 26 Face
Week 27 Agriculture
Week 28 Graceful
Week 29 Fruits
Week 30 Vehicle
Week 31 Piece
Week 32 Contrast
Week 33 Clean
Week 34 Curves
Week 35 Occupation(al)
Week 36 You
Week 37 Arch (ing)
Week 38 Display
Week 39 Bent
Week 40 Wood
Week 41 Walled
Week 42 Symmetrical
Week 43 Worn
Week 44 Colourful
Week 45 Height
Week 46 Remote
Week 47 Build
Week 48 Juicy
Week 49 Broad
Week 50 Rustic
Week 51 Festive
Week 52 Weather
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Looking forward to your submissions.....
Its great fun and a great way to use both your brain and your camera....
Stick with it.....
Nice tones and composition. Like this a lot (y)
Nice moody looking shot, like the waves and scenic view. Think you need your photo in here, hope it helps :)
Hee hee! Thank you and yes I kept trying and it just kept adding the link instead. In the end, I've put the photo in again from my gallery. Maybe I need to put the link in the other one... I'm a tad confused! :confused: Will have to go and read the instructions again!
edit: Yes got it!! You put the link in the other thread to this one... good job I've got 52 weeks to practice :)

Nice tones and composition. Like this a lot (y)
Thank you Paul!
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Interesting processing there @Bebop.
I'm not sure that the Lake Geneva shoreline looks quite like that and I've searched in vain for Funky Claude ;)
Anyways... Nice capture of the mist off of the water, I think that'll do for the theme.
Interesting processing there @Bebop.
I'm not sure that the Lake Geneva shoreline looks quite like that and I've searched in vain for Funky Claude ;)
Anyways... Nice capture of the mist off of the water, I think that'll do for the theme.
Well there was almost a fire in the sky ;) I think Funky Claude might be up on the cliff (2nd one in) but he was a bit busy with the kids and all that :)
Love the processing on this one, works perfectly for your chosen song.
Thank you. I'm sure we're meant to go out to take a photo for the theme really, but this one immediately popped into my head - taken last Feb.

The white balance was warmed up a bit, but the mist was flowing up the cliffs like smoke at the time.
I like that a lot, great processing and composition works too. And right on theme.
Nail head bang, theme not even needed for such a great shot. You've set your bar high for week 1 :)
Photo works well for your song choice and lovely colour tones
I missed this one first time around. What a beautiful misty scene - love those subdued shades and the warm colour cast. Excellent stuff.
Gosh thank you all for the positive comments. It didn't do too well at the camera club competition, though I may have cropped the sky a little since then.
Thank you for all the kind comments. Next time I will try and make it a 'new' shot... although the coming week could be tricky as I'm away ha ha!

I'm really enjoying seeing everyone else's images. Wish I'd discovered this corner of the forum before!
Fits the theme and the shot itself is lovely, ok it's not smoke as such but the focus and lighting is spot on, the horizon is straight and there's a lovely ethereal feel about it all.
Thanks Paul. I think the horizon is straight, but it was a bit difficult to see :)

The conditions were the same two days ago, so I probably should have tried a re-shoot. And the surfers were out then too!
I like this. I have often tried in vain to do justice to mist rolling in between hills but you've done a good job. I'd have brought out a little more black - messing about with it a little on my PC really enhanced some of the textures. That said I've never been one for subtlety!
a beaut, and such a great POV looking down like that. :clap:
Week 1: Order


This has been a real challenge as I'm in a ski chalet with very little camera equipment and only my ipad. Great that I've finally used the camera's w-ifi. Internet connection and dodgy iPad means it will be hard to take part this week.
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Great job in difficult circumstances. Well done. Did you have to reset the three cubes first!!
The colours pop against that plain black bg. Spot on for the theme.
excellent for an iPad, but there's something not quite right about the black BG ... and I've just realised how dusty my pc screen is. o_O