Bees...That was Bloody Hard Work!

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I've had three sessions today trying to get a few half decent shots of Bees around the Cotoneaster (Thanks again Box Brownie:giggle:) This shrub has been alive with Bees all day,
and they make it so difficult :LOL: I just wanted one Bee, just one Bee to sit quietly, take a breather, have a little nibble, a few nice poses, but no, they've been like a bloody hit squad all day.
I can honestly say I'm quite knackered. I've been crawling around this bush Commando style taking lots of shots, then popping in for a brew while I download and delete!

Here's the best of them...

Bee 1A.jpgBee 1C.jpgBee 1D.jpgBEE 1E.jpgBee 1F.jpgBee 1B.jpg
I agree Pete, I find bumble bees hard work too, you done well btw. ;)
I agree Pete, I find bumble bees hard work too, you done well btw. ;)

Much appreciated Alby:giggle: I couldn't count how many there where, on a couple of occasions I three bees all in the same frame but couldn't get a good shot.
There were quite a few Honey Bees too, but they liked to get deeper inside the shrub....
Pete some flowers are easier to shoot them on than others but that is relative they are not an easy subject
Thistles and sedum are a couple I have had more success with but keep trying
Pete some flowers are easier to shoot them on than others but that is relative they are not an easy subject
Thistles and sedum are a couple I have had more success with but keep trying

Appreciated Alf. I was hoping once the sun dropped enough for the Catoneaster to be in shadow, the bees might have calmed down, no chance. I might stand a better chance
once the Nasturtium under the car port flower, they attracted quite a few BIG Bumble Bees last year, as well as the odd Irewig!