Edit My Images
Is there a service that will take the digital image and adjust as required before printing ?.

As my printer is not top rate, I feel that someone else may be able to obtain better prints. Rather than buying a top printer, it may be better to get the photos professionally printed if the service of adjustments is available?

Thanks for any replies
Most of the Pro labs offer a service that includes colour/density correction, Loxley and Colourworld amongst others
Hi Malcolm - this Company has received some very good comments from members on this forum, you could always give them a ring to see if they also do any pp.

DScolour labs and Loxley both have produced great images for me.
For some reason /some/ my prints come out dark from /some/ suppliers, even though my printing has them come out not so dark, however the prints I have submitted to these places have come back looking great with their 'assistance'
It is as simple as selecting the option as it goes through the order process. (and hasn't cost any extra yet)
Thanks Dave, I did call them but they don't do any corrections as they have about 140,000 prints a week, but they sound as if they are worth a try anyway
Thanks for the info coldpenguin (sorry I don't know your name) Will check it out