Best place to buy Rodinal in the UK?

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I want to buy another bottle of Rodinal and wonder where the best place is in the UK, pricewise?

FirstCall have it for £12.49 (500ml) with a£7.99 shipping cost and I wonder if there's anywhere cheaper? Sadly, Google search seems to be getting worse for this sort of thing.


n.b. I want proper Rodinal (or Adonal), not R09, which I believe has a much shorter shelf life.
Have you considered making your own?

I still have plenty, but when it runs out it is my intention to do so. (y)

Alternatively, there is a Bellini version:

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Did a quick search myself and Bristol Cameras and NT Photoworks seemed to come out top.
Don't buy anything from Bristol Cameras - they probably won't have it in stock anyway . . .
Have you considered making your own?

I still have plenty, but when it runs out it is my intention to do so. (y)

Alternatively, there is a Bellini version:

Thanks Trevor.

I'll probably stick to pre-manufactured for now. That way I can blame my development, rather than my developer if something goes awry. :)

Is the Bellini version the same as Rodinal / Adonal? R09 is sold as Rodinal but, as mentioned, I understand it has much less longevity. My aim with Rodinal is to have something for occasional use that will last a long time on the shelf.
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You'll have to get out the instant coffee and bicarbonate soda. :D
I bought 500ml of Rollei Compard R09 One Shot from Bristol Cameras for £16.50 recently, delivered promptly.

Different packaging to the last lot I bought but it was Rollei Compard stuff too and has lasted several many years.

It was my understanding that the 'real' Rodinal was now out of production and anything you bought these days was another company making their own version of the original recipe?

Think I've had the clearer stuff (is that Adinol?) once and didn't notice much difference in performance but when I noticed my current bottle was getting low I did think I'd better stck to the Rollei Compard stuff.
Actually Firstcall seem to be the best overall. Compared to Ag Photographic who are asking Over £17 for 500cc then add on the postage. Remember 500cc is going to be comparatively quite heavy and they have to use a courier to transport it The Post Office will not carry it.
Actually Firstcall seem to be the best overall. Compared to Ag Photographic who are asking Over £17 for 500cc then add on the postage. Remember 500cc is going to be comparatively quite heavy and they have to use a courier to transport it The Post Office will not carry it.
So both of them are selling the Adox stuff which in the photos on both websites looks much lighter in colour than the Rollei Compard stuff but I do notice that the bottle in the photo on the AG site says Rodinal and on Firstcall it says Adonol so are those different products?
Disclaimer - I can't answer the original question. But on Rodinal....

It's a very old developer, going way back. Over the years, the formula has changed slightly, but not (according to an Agfa chemist quoted in The Film Developing Cookbook) in photographically significant ways. I suspect it comes down to developer additives that are there as preservatives or as buffering agents to cope with differences in water supplies - probably akin to ID11 and D76. This is a suspicion based on the very different keeping properties of the different versions of Rodinal. One of them is said to use the last Agfa formula, and therefore should be identical. I'd have to check and I may very well be wrong, but I think it was Adonal.

I might be able to find different historical formulae for Rodinal, just to see what has changed, but it won't help with distinguishing modern variants.
lI understand the Adox badged Rodinal sold by AG photographic is as damn near the original formula used when Agfa went to the the wall.