Best Portrait film and exposure method?

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hoping someone might be able to help,i have a shoot outdoors coming up soon in which i would like to try out some 120 film if i get a chance, which film would people recommend best for this situation. I was thinking of trying out some 'Astia 100F', but not sure the best way for working out exposures, especially as i hear slide is less forgiving if i get it wrong.
I know people say slide film is less forgiving and stuff, but I'm very "yea that exposure will do" when I use my light meter really. All my shots have been fine :LOL::LOL:

I've got some Astia 100F at the moment that I need to try, hopefully shoot it at the weekend but will have to see :)

Astia is said to have really nice skin tones actaully, the only slide film that I have tried has been Velvia 100F, which was very nice also