Black vase

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Black vases and red Gerbera flowers

Sometimes i wonder at my own stupidity. When i set this up, i put the camera on a tripod, set it to manual mode, set aperture and shutter speed and set the flash etc. Somehow i've managed to forget to reset the iso to 100 from 6400 which is what it was last used on (most likely photographing my dogs playing). It should have been evident something wasn't right, because i had to set the flash power down to minimum, which is unusual. Thankfully denoise has done a decent job of removing the noise.

I like both of these shots, so i'm posting both of them.
untitled-87-Enhanced-NR-Edit.jpg by Dominic Rodgers, on Flickr

untitled-80-Enhanced-NR.jpg by Dominic Rodgers, on Flickr
These are beautiful, Dominic, love the elegance and 'simplicity' of #2.

Tiny nit-pick would be the shadow halfway up the tall vase from the flower(?), hope you don't mind an edit? Just say and I'll delete, it is just my personal view :)

Thank you for sharing (y)

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No, I don't mind.
I knew the shadow was there, but I was in two minds as to whether to leave it because that's how it would look naturally with the position of the light or to remove it, to give a cleaner look.
Both work in their own ways.
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In a way, I like the shadow being there because it suggests these were solid objects placed together, rather than digitally composited, but both versions are good.
Two lovely shots (and I never would had known they were shot at 6400).

Personally I prefer the simpler shot (#2).