weekly BobBCN's 52 for 2024 (WEEKS 35/36 added)

I do wish people would stop posting pictures that make me salivate so!!!

Very nice pic, and well done for waiting long enough to take the picture before downing it.
Nice pic Bob, like the focus on the drink and condensation on the glass.
WEEKS 31 to 34

I had to get into the river for this one, but the train didn't show.

WEEK (31)
by Bob Newsome Photography, on Flickr

WEEK 32 - HOT - It was a hot day when I spotted this dragon fly (?)

WEEK (32)
by Bob Newsome Photography, on Flickr

WEEK 33 - SONG - (Tunnel of Love by Dire Straits) Don't suppose anybody was fooled!!

WEEK (33)
by Bob Newsome Photography, on Flickr

WEEK 34 - CUTLERY - just to tick the box on this one

WEEK (34)
by Bob Newsome Photography, on Flickr
Really good set Bob - like Hot for it's clarity and Song for the way you overcame the varied lighting.
WEEKS 35 and 36

Snapper's is just a flamingo which I caught just as it decided to stretch a leg. I guess they just get stiff from all that walking around. Curiously, they are usually pink because of what they eat. This one inhabits the Delta del Ebro (a couple of hours south of Barcelona) and there are about 3000 that are there all year round. Apparently they have started to eat rice which is grown on the delta, hence their white plummage.

by Bob Newsome Photography, on Flickr

Tools is a bit of a shoehorn as I snapped this only to discover the number of gloves that were out to dry. Magician? Cleaner? Burglar? Well, whatever, they represent the tools of the trade ...........er......... maybe.

by Bob Newsome Photography, on Flickr
I'd guess an accomplice intent not getting caught 'hand-in-glove' with the criminal. :)
I’d think that they are runners gloves, based on the fluorescent green pairs and the logo on the t-shirt, but very happy for that not to get in the way of a good picture for the theme. Love the colours