Bottle O' Jack...

Dan O'Shea.
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I've just registered here, and wasn't 100% sure on where to post this one..
Would like some criticism on it, to improve it.
Was a 'spare of the moment' idea... I like it.

Welcome to the forums :)

The lighting is not bad - like the fall off into darkness behind. Think the subject could be stronger. An empty bottle with nothing else is just waiting for the recycling bin. Partly filled or with a suitable glass in the shot (or other prop like playing cards) would all help add interest.

Picture looks a bit rotated but you have some good compositional elements and could develop this into something stronger.
My first and immediate thought was 'that bottle should be full'. Otherwise it's good enough to make me want a whiskey on a monday morning :D
As said, needs some content and perhaps a glass / full /spilled otherwise
Yeah, I was wanting it to be full/atleast have something in it..
Trying to think of what to do with the empty bottle though.

I like JD bottles, so I kept it. Just want to show that it's not being thrown away despite the fact that it's empty...

Oh, and thanks for your comments!
Edited the picture slightly!

- Removed the white paint splodges around the bottle, and rotated it slightly.
In my house a JD bottle is a far better thing when it's full. Not as good as a bottle of JB but that's another story. ;)

In a photo like this one, I think that empty is far more interesting as it has a story behind it. Why was it drunk, by whom, what happened after it was drunk????

I like the solitary subject too but I do think that it could be stronger in the image somehow. Perhaps a slight 3/4 angle to give it more substance and depth. Also it has slight convergence to it, for me it should either be sat straight or really distorted.

The floor works very well as a setting for me and the light, as said, is really nice too.
"Spilled" JD?!! - blasphemy ...!

Agreed - it is alcohol abuse in the First Degree.

As to recommendations...

Just some thoughts, nothing definite...

Rotate bottle, as others have said.

Consider B&W with Sepia toning - there's not much color here to begin with, so why have any?

DOF - this would look smashing with the background not only getting darker as you have it, but also fading away into non-focus.

It also needs a second object. Since this is the floor (it is the floor, yeah?) I'd say a wooden chair leg, like from an old worn-out kitchen chair. Something that would suggest a person had been drinking up late at night, and having finished the bottle, set it down by his chair on the floor.

Just my 2 cents, for what it may be worth...
Welcome to the forums :)

The lighting is not bad - like the fall off into darkness behind. Think the subject could be stronger. An empty bottle with nothing else is just waiting for the recycling bin. Partly filled or with a suitable glass in the shot (or other prop like playing cards) would all help add interest.

Picture looks a bit rotated but you have some good compositional elements and could develop this into something stronger.

Playing cards sound like a great idea to me (y)
Apart from that, I'm finding the picture just a little TOO dark.
Its a very strange light.
Thanks for your ideas! Given me a lot to think about...

I used my slave flash on quite a low setting, and facing just the bottle. I had my room pretty much in total blackness, which is why it's pretty dark, and what gave me fade into darkness.

I'll have a play about with some more stuff.. Might even dilute this Pepsi next to me for a JDish look...haha.
Thanks for your ideas! Given me a lot to think about...

I used my slave flash on quite a low setting, and facing just the bottle. I had my room pretty much in total blackness, which is why it's pretty dark, and what gave me fade into darkness.

I'll have a play about with some more stuff.. Might even dilute this Pepsi next to me for a JDish look...haha.

or try a bit of cold tea? That wouldn't be far off the colour I shouldn't think. Clearly without milk in it...:bonk:
Just processed a new one.
Diluted some Pepsi to try and make it look like I have some JD, which I think has worked?
Also added in a Bud' bottle on the floor, and dulled out the colours to let the JD stand out more.
JD is a far better drink than Bud' (in my opinion) so I wanted to show this by having the JD standing tall, and the Bud on the floor, looking defencless and cold.
So yeah, here it is.

I like the second one much more. It's almost like the empty bottles have drunk the alcohol themselves. Like alcoholics lying in the street or something. Interesting concept...
i really like the seccond picture i like the bottle in the background

just my thoughts im just a newbie
Dan could you try the same picture with some candles hidden out of view, but creating a lovely glow? Obviously you would loose the flash and let the camera take its time. Would love to see it. You could hide a small candle behind the bud bottle, and put a few off shot to the right of the JD bottle, which should light up the front of the bottle nicely. Worth a shot I bet.

Ah nice idea! That'd give a warmer feeling to it, which would be great for winter/christmas...

I'll definatly give that a go later this evening. We've got millions of candles around the house now, so yeah.
Cheers for the idea!
Ah nice idea! That'd give a warmer feeling to it, which would be great for winter/christmas...

I'll definatly give that a go later this evening. We've got millions of candles around the house now, so yeah.
Cheers for the idea!

I don't know much about this photography game, but I found by expirmenting with loads of candles in various places out of shot, that the light could vary hugely and create some really neat and wierd displays. I had 12 candles in a pic of a xmas cracker I took, all out of view, but creating lots of flickers and glow.
Yeah, using candles does sound like a good idea.
I wonder what this final picture will look like..haha. Just shows how far a development of ideas can go...
Great idea and pics, and some good ideas from others to improve it. (y)
The rule of thirds :thinking: Often 3 things in a photo can look better than 2? (rules can be broken, but odd numbers in pictures seem to work better, or so 'they' say)
How about the bottle (not empty) a glass with a little in, and something else that won't look out of place. Ice cubes, a playing card (ace of spades would be an obvious choice) or some poker chips to add a little colour?

Oh and cold tea makes cracking fake whiskey, a trick I learnt in my youth ;) As long as its not put to a taste test afterwards anyway :nuts:
You could try adding 2 playing cards, the king of spades, and the queen of hearts, to signify which drink is the real daddy? (Budweiser is supposed to be the king of beers afterall) The black of the whiskey bottle and red of the beer bottle might look quite cool with matching cards?
Just a thought anyway. I'd try it myself but have no spirit bottles :|
I didn't really want to use playing card's as it's too commonly associated with this type of drink...well, I think so anyway.

Nice idea though, i'll play about with these ideas when I can be bothered...haha.
Hi, ive had a loiitle go at this type of thing. Its my very 1st attempt so be gentle lol


Yeah, using candles does sound like a good idea.
I wonder what this final picture will look like..haha. Just shows how far a development of ideas can go...

nice efforts here ive had a few with the jd bottles myself ..(y)
if you can fill it with coke " as you have done you could lay it down and have some spilling out a idea im thinking of myself...

look forward to seeing where this goes..

my last effort is my advatar..:naughty:

Dan second shot is much better. maybe a touch of backlight through the bottle to define the liquid but keep the dark area behind it works well.
I've been playing...
Got two to critisise:


Bigger is better!

Click the images for full res'!

EDIT: Bottom one needs rotating slightly, but ignore that!
Hi, ive had a loiitle go at this type of thing. Its my very 1st attempt so be gentle lol


doesn't quite work for me, bottle is sealed and the drink in the glass looks like its been mixed with lemonade
(or it isn't JD :shrug:)
The one with the chios is ok, bu tit looks like dish water in the glass!! what is it?? and the glash is dirty too.. spoils it for me..

Tradegy looks like its covered in soap suds.. well at first glance so its a NO from me.. and the bottle should be displaying the front of the label and not the side.. so we can see its JD..

The last one would be ok, but the candle behind the small bottle is over powering and upsets the sceen.. maybe because its reflecting on the big bottle.. its too bright at the bottom.. also maybe a little seperation between the two bottles.. they look cramped in the frame, theres enough room to play with..

What i think would look nice is a burnt candle in the top of the front bottle maybe an inch or so sticking out.. could be would have a nice feel to it, or just leave it unlit.. but i can see it on the wonk.. lol.. not sitting in the bottle straight you know?? and if you use candles for lighting try them out of frame, they tend to leave hot spots of light..

Anyway, this is just my opinion.. and i like the concept a lot.. good luck..

I like the original the best. Very simple, plain, stark. The others are a little messy, trying too hard. The original is the one for me. Fantastic understated lighting.
