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Covered some boxing. Finally PP'd these.......

Have to say that upon arrival, I looked at the 'card' and felt a little uneasy as first batch of fights were effectively kids, all beit called youth as aged ten or over. However, my fears were dispelled when I quickly realised that these 'kids' are tuned fighting machines and I would not want to take one on the bonce from any of 'em.

The latter rounds were aged upto 21 I think and these were fast, furious, visceral and again, I would not want to fight these lads.

Credit to them though. They all know how to fight and were all credits to the clubs for which they fought, of which the last sequence indicate the power on show.

To be honest, the hardest thing about tonight was the light in that they had two forms on the ceiling. One strip and one concealed by a cover which gave a cast. Not experience light like it. Fast enough but bizarre to say the least. Should have shot in RAW but did not get around to it, but fine enough with some PP considering it was only for me for stock/low light practice.











Those look like really difficult conditions and your results are still really good. You can see how seriously they take it just from these shots.

I've never done any boxing and am one of the least violent people there is...but I do like watching a good boxing match :)
Excellent work there dude, really superb.
Loving shot #1 of the coach. And some very, very good reaction shots as the gloves make contact.

Looking better in B&W IMHO. You could really whack up the ISO on these and produce some very iconic-looking images for the contestants.
Excellent work there dude, really superb.
Loving shot #1 of the coach. And some very, very good reaction shots as the gloves make contact.

Looking better in B&W IMHO. You could really whack up the ISO on these and produce some very iconic-looking images for the contestants.


Thinking alike here as working on these at the mo, in earnest for a photo book ready to flog em! :)