Bronica repairs in London?

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My recently aquired Bronnie SQ-Ai is playing up with the shutter release randomly not firing and then sometimes the shutter timer messes up the timing resulting in way underexposed shots. I think it's defaulting to 1/500sec due to temporary lapses in battery power, but the shutter not firing is a separate issue I rekon...

Have check batteries and they're fine... also the red light in the focusing screen always lights up when the darkslide is inserted which leads me to think the problem is the circuitry to the firing mechanism...

Any suggested quick fixes or otherwise any recommendations for a reputable repairs shop in London?
aw gawd..:(

What price an all manual, mechanical Bronnie :nono:

At least you can beat it to death without fear of busting the electronics, cos it doesn't have any.

Have you tried the usual, (you probably have) cleaning all the contacts, making sure they all actually meet, sometimes they're springy contacts that have lost their spring a bit ?
1/500th seems fast for a no battery default, its 1/60th with the older Bronnies..
Is the finder coupled, a dodgy contact could explain cocked up shutter speed.
Yeah, it sucks but that's the chance you take with this kind of gear.

The battery is always putting out power - I'm sure of that... it's got to be a glitch in the electrics between the shutter release and the mechanism that determines shutter speed... I'll try cleaning all the points.

Defo 1/500 as default - pretty useless really especially since these errors occur randomly.
If the finder is coupled, and you shoot ap priority, the meter in the finder chooses shutter speed.
That's why I was thinking a miss-communication between the finder and the body (via the contacts).
I know its a long shot but...meh, its something you can look at without getting the tin opener out..:(
Nail. Head. Hit.

You smell that? I love the smell of humble pie in the morning.
Still can't figure out why the damn thing wasn't firing at all sometimes.

The timing issue, though, was definitely the Auto mode engaging it's own ideas as to what my shutter speed should be :bonk:
I don't trust my meterd prism one bit. I always leave it switched off.

Metered prisms are for girls anyway..:D

On a more thoughtful note, I never really got on with a Mamiya 645 and metered head, apart from 645 being oblong, a metered head seemed only slightly more convenient than a hand held meter.
I always thought that having metering would allow me to shoot like I would a 35mm or digital slr, but, it just never did...:shrug:
Too much other stuff to consider that slows you down to M/F pace probably..
The thing I don't like is that it's spot or metering but you can't hold the exposure value and re-compose. Unless you're subject is in the centre of the frame you have to meter and then manually set the value anyway. Pony.
The ECtl meters from the body, it doesn't matter what's on top, I dunno why there aren't more designed like that, one less thing to buy maybe :shrug:

God I'm so angry right now...

30 secs to go, I'll just scroll down and read a bit more of the listing....

god chuffin damn it...bugger **** and fanny

that's what happens when you fanny about....there is no seething smiley

What were you bidding on? An SQA?
No, an enlarger.

I swear to God, nobody in the Rhubarb triangle has ever sold a suitable enlarger before, it was 3 miles down the road f'godsake.

You fool, that went for a steal.