Brownie 127


TPer Emeritus
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Ok, what film does a Kodak Brownie 127 use, where can I get some and how much. Oh and how much to process it.

Just bought one for Mrs C for her birthday sssssssshh ! (its not the only thing :))
:( and Mrs Cowasaki aked for a D300................:dummy:

She wanted 4 extremely expensive hammers for her jewellery making that cost about £200 so that is what she got :)

I have bought her something else she really wanted but she does know. This was a little surprise for her. I just wanted to know if she can actually use it.
The clue is in the name it takes 127 size film and I found this site by Googling about it and this was my Google search

Best of luck if it all works and the shutter springs are not shot and the diagphragm is good and not sticky then it could be a lot of fun.

HTH :)

As I finished typing I thought that the 127 night relate to the film and was hoping for some pearls of wisdom about a cheap outlet for film and processing

Well, I'd say DIY..

I'm not certain but I think my tank spirals adjust to 127 width, there's an extra notch between 120 and 35mm formats, so maybe DIY 127 is as easy as 120 or 35mm..

This spiral is set for 120 film, but it slides together and locks for 35mm film, 127 is 46mm wide which is round about that other notch.

I bought a complete developing kit complete with enlarger, paper, red light, all the chemicals, timers, trays everything for colour and black and white because Mrs C wanted to try developing but after about 3 years of it sitting there I sold it all !! If only it was still here I would do it myself. I might well buy the stuff again IF I get into it. I do plan on getting myself a Nikon body and she will have the brownie plus the other present I bought her (ssssshhh) so it might well work out. But for the moment I will get the film developed.
I dunno if anywhere can do it.
If they process b/w in a tank they probably could, but if they bung it in a machine it may not accept funny sized film, I dunno.
Whatever, you're looking at a lab and not Boots or Asda.
Actually, I don't know too many labs that do b/w either unless its c41, its too easy to do at home...:shrug:

Labs do c41 and e6 120 and 35mm roll film generally.
You're looking for normal b/w chemical processing of 127 film....could be tricky..maybe one of the onliners do it.