Camden Walkabout


In Memoriam
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A few snaps from The King of Groove's(Clive) meetup yesterday..we kicked off at Little Venice and strolled along Regents Canal and finished up at Camden Lock..a very nice day was had..thanks Clive..:)
This is my little offering from the Camden area..






As always a great set Dave, Mmmm:thinking: #1 and #2 seduced by that old Starrider charm offensive?(y)
Love the DoF in #4 with just one eye in focus, and those little specular highlights on the OoF eye. (y)
#3 - What was Patsy Kensit doing in Camden?? :D

(Yes I know that it's the same person as in #4 and that she's too young!)

1-4 are your usual great stuff, but #5 really stands out as a well caught candid moment.
You certainly know how to get the best out of your kit, these are great photos as usual.
Classy stuff. Love the shots :)

Edit-> What lens Dave - something of the 2.8 variety no doubt?
Great set Dave lovely clarity (y)

i'm liking these a lot , excellent stuff

well done

Love the DoF in #4 with just one eye in focus, and those little specular highlights on the OoF eye. (y)

#3 - What was Patsy Kensit doing in Camden?? :D

(Yes I know that it's the same person as in #4 and that she's too young!)

1-4 are your usual great stuff, but #5 really stands out as a well caught candid moment.

You certainly know how to get the best out of your kit, these are great photos as usual.
Thanks everyone for the comments..:) Always appreciated,good or not so good..
I have a couple more here you may like..hopefully..;)




#7 is a masterpiece! Composition, expression, background, everything!
.....and the little heart shapes are produced with another filter from Alien Skin(Bokeh)..

Ah! That explains it! :)

I was wondering if you'd shot through a window, although it's too clear for that really.

It's a corker, and a really nice use of a square crop.
Great stuff, Dave, including the kayaking shots. I fell asleep last night instead of getting on with photos. Will try to post something soon.
Love number 1.

Dont suppose you got her number? :love: :LOL:
Sure Dav...mono conversion using NIK SilverFx and the little heart shapes are produced with another filter from Alien Skin(Bokeh)..

For a moment there, I thought you had got yourself a Lensbaby and the funny aperture kit to go with it.

Yet another great set of people shots, Dave.
Lovely photo. Not keen on the vignette at all. It just looks phony, and not very appealing to me. I think the shallow DOF and smooth bokeh is all you need.
I prefer the original, the bokeh is lovely (IMHO)!

Lovely photo. Not keen on the vignette at all. It just looks phony, and not very appealing to me. I think the shallow DOF and smooth bokeh is all you need.
Thanks Tim-Laurence..(y)
Things to do on a cold wet day..overcook some photo's..:LOL:
Wow... These are all great photos...

7 is the best one for me. The low dof really worked perfectly isolating her in the crowd.

Any chance i can get a copy of 4? :D i dont find myself on the other side of the camera.
I don't like the last one, I might prefer it if the vignette was black rather than white.
Wow... These are all great photos...

7 is the best one for me. The low dof really worked perfectly isolating her in the crowd.

Any chance i can get a copy of 4? :D i dont find myself on the other side of the camera.
Thank you..:) If you PM me your email address i can mail you a file big enough to get a decent print from..
Great set.

always amazes me that Togs have the nerve to ask to shoot pics of total strangers, me being a shy person would never have the nerve in a million years.

Thanks Craig..i think it's cos i'm a bit of a cheeky old git i get away with it..always done with a smile of course..;)
Great set.

always amazes me that Togs have the nerve to ask to shoot pics of total strangers, me being a shy person would never have the nerve in a million years.


Thanks Craig..i think it's cos i'm a bit of a cheeky old git i get away with it..always done with a smile of course..;)

Dave wears glasses, so he can get away with things that might land the rest of us with broken teeth. :D

Seriously though, I used to be dead nervous of "street" shooting and tried to be very stealthy and discrete when trying to sneak shots of strangers. After a few outings with the TP crowd I am gradually getting bolder. Sometimes I may shoot first and ask questions later. Other times I will purposely engage the subject first, and may even ask them to pose. Most people don't seem to mind at all. If people do object then there's no need to make a song and dance about it. Just be gracious. No harm done.
Great set.

always amazes me that Togs have the nerve to ask to shoot pics of total strangers, me being a shy person would never have the nerve in a million years.


I'm with you, I don't have the nerve :crying: .....yet.

However, having been out with Dave & Tim a couple of times now, I can see you definately get a much more receptive attitude from the general public when there are 4 or 5 (or more) of you in a group all with your big cameras out, lots of people genuinely seem to be really flattered that we want to take their pictures. I think if you were out on your own things would be different and people might react differently. :cautious:
Fantastic shots, they are so crisp. One day I hope to get snaps as great as these.