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Guys I am looking for a light weight rustle free camo needs to be nettle preferable bramble and thistle proof. I crawl about in the mud so something hard wariing and ideally reinforced on elbows. above all it need to be cool, so I'm asking alot. Camo has to blend into UK countryside colours. harwoods green? You tell me?

I guess not so many of us here stalk low so replies will be few, but I have to ask, I'd be so grateful for any input.

I probably made a massive error recently in part my failings/stupidity sure, also wanting the best for my subject was a player ( roe mum's with kids are sketchy at best) but at the same time I was so damn hot I wasn't thinking things through.

anyways thanks for the help if you can

take care

Hi Stu
Sorry I can’t give a specific recommendation but when I need similar stuff I do the rounds on the army surplus stores- you soon find out who knows what and who you can trust. My latest purchase was some German army waterproof trousers which have stood up to some abuse. I find that I do not need canon but olive green does just as well- have had rats and wrens on me without any issues. Then again with my odd shape who needs camo!!!
You may be better off joining a hunting / shooting forum or looking at huting/shooting related website as they use a lot of camo stuff.

Army surplus stores are also a good place to look for all things camo.

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I don't have experience with camo clothing but generally cooler clothing is thinner so you may struggle to meet all your requirements. I'd suggest looking at army surplus gear perhaps something like this
yes it's a bit of a conundrum traditionally the way around the variation in Brit weather is layers, but an outer that might serve my specific needs is something I've longer for each summer

cheers for the link , something similar is already on my radar (y) thanks for taking the time
You may be better off joining a hunting / shooting forum or looking at huting/shooting related website as they use a lot of camo stuff.

Army surplus stores are also a good place to look for all things camo.

Elliot you are spot on I'm looking along those lines exactly.especially deer stalking....which bar the difference in final "shot" there's being a bullet mine and image seems to be the closest "pastime" to what I do again cheers for the link thank you.
Hi Stu
Sorry I can’t give a specific recommendation but when I need similar stuff I do the rounds on the army surplus stores- you soon find out who knows what and who you can trust. My latest purchase was some German army waterproof trousers which have stood up to some abuse. I find that I do not need canon but olive green does just as well- have had rats and wrens on me without any issues. Then again with my odd shape who needs camo!!!

Hiya John, maybe you are right about camo. probably the essentials with my kind of imagemaking and getting close are more about hiding the three white blobs.hands and face and how one moves/uses cover/shade.are more important than actual camo,

But then, I guess I kinda like camo. Mate i'm actually sat in brit army camo trousers olive green top and T shirt all ex army surplus... military surplus has been a go to of mine clothing wise for years LMAO I was trying to make red squiggle pics late last summer and had a robin using me as a perch, ha I'd rather not the rat ,but I'd take a wren, odd shape you and me both:LOL:

Guys i'm six decades in not exactly sure how long toggin' , but it's while now and the niche /style of wildlife especially this focus on deer/hare, scrubbling about down low isn't for everyone, but I love it and the interactions, with subjects can be so special

All my life there has been this passion about getting close to ickle beasties and I've pretty much always worn camoflage/green. Camo in it's various forms has really evolved over those decades, with hi definition printing . For me it's allowed a freedom not only to move but not use hides. which can be an art form to set in the right place.

I've been using a Canadian company called Sportschief for maybe 20/30 years as my 3 season outers . IE waterproof coat leggings, really good quality, my other half has a coat that looks almost new after 20years plus, mind her gear doesn't quite get the hammering I give to mine. Good reliable clothing, though.

So for the next guy basically Decathlon, Jack Pyke Sportschief et al all more shooting based clothing makers as well are army surplus are where my base searches are starting, just haven't pinned down what I want as yet .

thanks for the replies lads !!
The old British army para smock was lightweight and hard wearing, same with trousres, I still have my old DPM ones somewhere (might come in handy the way the worlds going) Personally I'd look at the DPM rather than the newer MTP camo, I find the newer one is better suited to sandy areas like dunes, a bit light colour for woods.
You can often pick these up at car boot sales for a few quid.

I've got one of these, its light enough that I can wear it over a T and not get too hot ( though tbf, UK temps rarely get high enough for me) it is wind proof and and Has protected me from nettles, it's nice close woven cotton so brambles shouldn't wreak it either