Canon 50mm f1.8 FL lens


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My Dad had been having a clear out and he came across a Canon 50mm f1.8 FL lens which he used to use on a 35mm camera back in the 80's. The optics look ok and the focus & aperture rings seem to turn freely so I'm guessing the lens still works fine. I only have Nikon cameras so I can't test it at all.

Would a lens like this be worth passing on to a canon user? Is it likely to work on a digital or would it only be of use to film users?..........or should I just bin it?

I've not got a pic of the actual one but it looks like this one:

Are you sure thats not FD? I've not heard of FL before.

Might be of some use to someone who uses pre-EF camera gear. Their may be an adapter that would allow you to try it on your nikon (MF only)
Thats not FD.

FL was I think, pre-FD.

If nobody wants it and you are thinking of binning it, then let me know. I'm sure I've read that it is fairly easy to adapt FL to olympus 4/3.
It is def. Canon FL.

You want an FT or FX body to go with it I think.

The register distance is less than that for the eos (so the lens needs to be 2mm closer to the film/sensor to get infinity focus) so either an adapter including glass (doubt if such a think is available. Forget it with the Nikon as well - you might get some close focus use but it wont get to anything like infinity even if you made up an adapter.

One way that you could use it would be with a filter ring reverser for macro. Thats where you have an adapter on your body which has a suitable sized srew fitting on the other side and the lens then screws onto that. So the lens is on backwards. You can do macro that way, but I've no idea what the quality would be like.

bit of info found here:

and article on FD to EOS ( and I *think* that the FL and FD mounts are interchangable - I *think* that its the aperture pin stuff that varies - which you wouldnt care about in manual mode)