Canon 5D MK I 'classic' - owners thread

Just gone back to the laptop and hey presto the 5d decides to shoot tethered as if nothing was wrong this morning.:thinking:
Don't ask what i did, because nothing has changed from this morning.
Anyway alls well now.:clap:

Lenswork said:
Just gone back to the laptop and hey presto the 5d decides to shoot tethered as if nothing was wrong this morning.:thinking:
Don't ask what i did, because nothing has changed from this morning.
Anyway alls well now.:clap:

Windows XP 32bit works great, but for anything else Canon just won't supply drivers.
On a different note - how is the shadow resolution on your displays? My serial number starts with a 3. On the last studio shot, the background appeared black on screen, but was quite a bit brighter on the PC. This might be the new LR4 pixie-dust, but it is annoying nonetheless. Next time I will scrutinise the histogramme.
Picked up a 5Dcl a couple of weeks ago.
Got my new 24-70 2.8L last week.

What a combination.

The 5D classic does deserved to be call the classic!

Which 24-70L is it the mk II? I'm still using the 28-70L with my 5D II it's still a solid performer.

You should try some L primes, try 35L, 135L.
I mostly use a Sigma 50mm f1.4 or Sigma 85mm f1.4 on mine and I'm very happy with the image quality. My Sigma 12-24mm is... very interesting on it too :D

TBH I really bought the camera to use two lenses on it, the Siggy 85mm f1.4 and 12-24mm.
Hey 5D guys,
How tricky is it to do long exposure shots with this camera, without any liveview?

No greater difficulty increase (from a live view camera to the 5D) than any other tripod based shooting.

I have noticed a fair few hot pixels in long exposures but lightroom seems to deal with them automatically so they've never made a difference and if lightroom dealt with them in the preview then I'd never have noticed them at all.

That said I've only done exposures up to 30 seconds, going off of bulb I have no experience so the Long Exposure noise might start to be an actual problem.
What focusing screen are you using with the 35, Peter? And how are you finding it?
Joe blogs focusing standard screen, yip I've owned this Samyang 35mm around six months now, getting on with it fine. If you focus 'everything' at f/1.4 it makes it so much easier, trust me. There's people put sensor chips on the lens bayonet, utter waste of money/time, just focus it manually and get on with it, people get hung up, crap!

The Samyang 35mm f/1.4 produces lovely colours, cheap lens with excellent quality I believe!
I've been considering it as a more complementary partner to my 85 1.4 (Sigma, not Samyang) than my 50 1.4 but unsure if I would be able to get on with it for manual focusing. There's not really another alternative to the 35 f/1.4L in the Canon lineup, less than ever now the Sigma 35 1.4 rumours are drying up.

What do you mean by focus everything at f/1.4? I don't intend to put in sensor chips etc. it's more a question of whether I get a focusing screen that can 'see' f/1.4 with it. It wouldn't be dark with my other lenses given my two main lenses are f/1.4 and my slowest is an f/2.8 macro. It would be interesting to see what one of those focusing screens would be like especially as I'm a massive shallow DoF addict :D
Just got my 5d M i today...woo hoo...

Just going to work my way backwards thru this thread...bur anyone get 'setting tips'...'dos and donts' etc...all info a help...I shoot withn a 50 d right now...

Plan is my 24-105 l on thee 5d...and my 70-200 L on the 50 d...only 7mm of coverage missing between 105...and 112mm...



Regards focusing, sorry, hard to explain myself.

If you want to shoot an image at f/11 for example, your best to focus it first at f/1.4, then when happy with what, stop down to f/11.

It's a little tricky to focus through viewfinder if you set Samyang lens at say f/8/11/16 etc, I always set it to f/1.4 as its easier to see image via viewfinder etc...

Has that cleared that up ok..?

Regards focusing, sorry, hard to explain myself.

If you want to shoot an image at f/11 for example, your best to focus it first at f/1.4, then when happy with what, stop down to f/11.

It's a little tricky to focus through viewfinder if you set Samyang lens at say f/8/11/16 etc, I always set it to f/1.4 as its easier to see image via viewfinder etc...

Has that cleared that up ok..?

Ah yeah, I get what you mean. I have a feeling if and when I do pick up the lens I'll pick up the EE-S focusing screen as well so setting it at anything less than f/2.8 will start making it go dark anyway, plus I shoot wide open 99% of the time (landscapes are mostly shot with my 24mm, and then quite often with an ND filter so a dark viewfinder is nothing new haha)
Not got my camera to hand, but it's in custom functions, something about AE lock.
Starastin said:
hi guys !

any of you still use one for weddings etc ?

Yep, still takes great shots...
I really did think these would drop in price but their holding their used value on ebay etc. Obviously still a great camera.
I was looking before the 5d3 came out and you could get one for around £500 and you probably still can. The question is would I be better keeping that money and putting it to a 5d2 when I have put a bit more to it?
I was thinking more like 450 for a middle aged/ middle usage one.
I think it all depends on where and how are you going to use it .
Just had a look at the prices, still well over £1K for a 2nd hand mk2, the prices for a mk1 are very reasonable for what you get.
I guess. first ones seem to be quite old though. if I remember correctly - 2005. so it's 7 years. which in camera technology is quite a lot + it's based on 20d and 20d has dropped in price a lot more than 5d original rrp. so - hopefully it's still worth it's monies. but them again there wouldn't be so many mkI users. oh well ! I just hope that if I decide to get one, I'll find it for a decent price :)
Based on 20D? I have both and they are nothing like each other. 5D is superb at high iso, 20D is rubbish.
Al Brum said:
Based on 20D? I have both and they are nothing like each other. 5D is superb at high iso, 20D is rubbish.

I have both and handling wise they are identical!
Based on 20D? I have both and they are nothing like each other. 5D is superb at high iso, 20D is rubbish.

Then with respect, you're not using your 20D properly or your photo processing software is rubbish.

I sold my 20D some time ago but every ISO upto and including 3200 was useable. Yes, a 5D is better but it's not night and day.
Does anyone know the largest CF Card I can use in a 5D mk1 please?

My first post here so please forgive if it's in the wrong section :)

There's a limit? I had no idea! To be honest 8 gig is the biggest card I have