Canon eos ix7

Canon eos ix7 is an APS slr. don't think they were very popular, because of the film format, and seem to be fetching very little money.
Donig a Google on the name finds a few reviews and people seem very happy with them.

Only thing I would be wary of is getting hold of film fe thwm and geting it processed, quick look on 7dayshop I could only find 1 kodak film listed.

Have fun
tiny film means lots of grain. Not very good for enlargements I think.

You'll have access to all of canons great glass but you will have the same problems as digital users in that a 24mm lens will be more like a 35mm.

Having said that, it probably meters well and takes great photos.
Cheers guys.I really like film photography so i bought an eos ix7 for £6 on flea bay.It wont be used for enlargements or anything.Mostly for personnal albums and stuff.But at least this way i can use all of my canon lenses on the ix7 too.